Policy Press

Education Policy

Showing 1-12 of 19 items.

Education, Disability and Social Policy

This new edition of the milestone book Education, Disability and Social Policy outlines critical debates in education concerning the position and experiences of disabled children and young people within a contemporary policy context.

Policy Press

Schooling, Conflict and Peace in the Southwestern Pacific

Becoming Enemy-Friends

Bringing concepts from critical transitional justice and critical peacebuilding into dialogue with education, this book examines the challenges faced by youth in the post-conflict settings of Bougainville and Solomon Islands, illustrating the vital importance of education in post-conflict recovery.

Bristol Uni Press

Reframing Education Failure and Aspiration

The Rise of the Meritocracy

Education is seen as central to social mobility and equality and, following a drive to raise learners’ aspirations, an ‘aspiration industry’ has emerged. This book traces education policy developments and argues that for learners to have aspirations that do not require qualifications should be regarded as different, not wrong.

Policy Press

The Black PhD Experience

Stories of Strength, Courage and Wisdom in UK Academia

Drawing on students’ experiences of structural racism in the UK higher education institutions, this book offers an informed analysis on the barriers to Black student progression. It documents success stories and provides key recommendations for the sector on how to eliminate discrimination and achieve positive results for Black students.

Policy Press

Researching Global Education Policy

Diverse Approaches to Policy Movement

This book explores a wide diversity of approaches to help understand the policy movement phenomena, providing a useful guide on global studies in education, as well as insights into the future of this dynamic area of work.

Policy Press

The Science of Housework

The Home and Public Health, 1880-1940

This book recaptures the buried history of the household science movement, including domestic science teaching, public health, higher education for women and the scientific content and aims of domestic science courses.

Policy Press

Educational Collateral Damage

Disadvantaged Students, Exclusion and Social Justice

Drawing on student experiences and the perspectives of senior leaders, this book challenges orthodox thinking about school exclusion and advocates for a fairer education system for disadvantaged students.

Policy Press

Education and Development in Central America and the Latin Caribbean

Global Forces and Local Responses

Rooted in an international political economy theoretical framework, this book provides unique insights into the global forces and local responses that are shaping education systems in Central America and the Latin Caribbean (CALC).

Bristol Uni Press

Assembling Comparison

Understanding Education Policy through Mobilities and Assemblage

This book combines assemblage theory and policy mobilities to inform the study of comparative and international education (CIE), focusing on education policy and how such policy moves are enacted.

Bristol Uni Press

Keywords in Education Policy Research

A Conceptual Toolbox

Designed as a reference, learning and teaching tool to assist students, educators and researchers, this book describes the history, contribution and application of over 90 keywords in the field of education policy research.

Policy Press

Low-income Female Teacher Values and Agency in India

Implications for Reflective Practice

This book shows how the speech and syntax of low-income female teachers in India’s education system establishes a special form of relational agency and empowerment.

Policy Press

Schooling in a Democracy

Returning Education to the Public Service

COVID-19 has widened inequalities in schools and left the future uncertain. Richard Riddell argues that the increasingly narrow focus of education governance has made new thinking impossible and has degraded public life. Nevertheless, he highlights new possibilities for democratic behaviour and the opening up of schooling to all it serves.

Policy Press