Policy Press

Alan Roulstone

Alan Roulstone is Professor of Applied Social Sciences (Disability Policy) at Northumbria University and Honorary Professor at Swansea University, UK. Alan is a disabled person who has written and researched extensively around disability policy and practice.
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.

Understanding Disability Policy

Understanding disability policy explores the roles of social security, social support, poverty, socio-economic status, community safety, official discourses and spatial change in shaping disabled people's opportunities.

Policy Press

Working futures?

Disabled people, policy and social inclusion

Working futures? looks at the current effectiveness and future scope for enabling policy in the field of disability and employment.

Policy Press

Thriving and surviving at work

Disabled people's employment strategies

This report breaks explores how disabled people who are already in work get and keep paid work. Drawing on experiences of disabled people themselves, it looks at difficulties experienced, the strategies they adopt and the policy context in which they work. The authors are all disabled people with a mix of practice and academic experience.

Policy Press