Our authors, editors and board members
Our authors include academics, practitioners, policy makers and politicians like Kalwant Bhopal, Professor of Education and Social Justice in the Centre for Research on Race and Education at the University of Birmingham and author of White Privilege, Sam Royston, Director of Policy and Research at Children’s Society, author of Broken Benefits, Claire Ainsley, Director of Policy for Leader of the Opposition, Keir Starmer MP, author of The New Working Class, and Torild Skard, the first woman President of the Norwegian Upper House, whose Women of Power led to the establishment of a UNSCC course on ‘Leadership, Women and the UN’ to promote a more gender balanced workplace within the UN and strengthen the voice of women at the leadership table.
We are currently auditing our author base to understand the profile of authors publishing with us in the past five years to give us the data of our author profile that we can develop clear KPIs and track them.
We offer benefits for authors from developing countries, such as no APC charges, deep discounts and free access, and encourage authors to work with AuthorAid who provide support for researchers in low and middle income countries.
Through our marketing questionnaires, we ask authors to take diversity and inclusion into consideration when suggesting publications, groups and people to review, promote and engage with their book to ensure we are being as diverse and inclusive as possible.
We encourage equality, diversity and inclusion in the composition of our editorial boards, advisory boards, journal editorial boards and series editors.
Our Library Advisory Board includes representatives from the Global South so we can use their experiences to expand contacts and ideas and we are looking to form an EDI Advisory board to review and recommend specific practical actions that could help us improve our EDI representation.
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