Policy Press

Jonathan Bradshaw

Jonathan Bradshaw CBE, FBA is Professor of Social Policy at the University of York. In addition to research into family policy, in recent years his research has focused on international comparisons of child poverty, child benefit packages and child well-being. He is a member of the Board of the International Society for Child Indicators and of the Foundation for International Studies in Social Security.
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.

Child poverty in large families

The UK child poverty rate for large families is among the highest in the OECD. This study investigates the prevalence and characteristics of poor children in large families in the UK and how we compare with other countries.

FREE pdf version available online at www.jrf.org.uk

Policy Press


A study of town life

A century ago, Seebohm Rowntree embarked on an investigation of poverty in York. The study was hugely influential in the thinking which led to the foundation of the welfare state and his research methods still have validity today. This classic work is republished in a special centenary edition with an extended Preface by Jonathan Bradshaw.

Policy Press

The Well-Being of Children in the UK

This is the classic assessment of the state of child well-being in the UK. This fourth edition has been updated to review the latest evidence, including the impact of the economic crisis and austerity measures since 2008. An essential resource.

Policy Press