Policy Press

Julie Thompson Klein

Julie Thompson Klein is a Professor Emerita and scholar in the field of Interdisciplinary Studies at Wayne State University, USA and an International Research Affiliate of the Transdisciplinarity Lab in the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH-Zurich in Switzerland. Klein is widely known as a pioneer in interdisciplinary education, and has consulted widely in academic and other settings in the field. 

Find a list of Julie's publications on her Wayne State University Profile.

Td Lab Zurich and Wayne State University

Why should you publish in Global Social Challenges Journal?

The complexity of global social challenges often requires inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches to sustainability, health and well being, democratic rights, and conflict resolution. We invite case studies, literature reviews, conceptual and methodological accounts, and reflective essays on pertinent strategies and structures for research and education to advance understanding dynamics of integrating differing forms of expertise and experiences across disciplines, interdisciplinary fields, professional occupations, and sectors of society including government, industry, and rural and urban communities in the North and South.” 

Julie Thompson Klein, Co-Editor of Global Social Challenges Journal

Read the call for submissions to learn more

Hear Julie discuss inter-and trans-disciplinarity and her approach to editing Global Social Challenges Journal in this excerpt from our introductory webinar: