Policy Press

Sociology of Education

Showing 1-12 of 25 items.

University Audit Cultures and Feminist Praxis

An Institutional Ethnography

Drawing on an unprecedented institutional ethnography of UK universities, this book uses feminist and gender lenses to critique the power, culture and structure of Higher Education institutions. Challenging the myths of how academia is governed by audit processes, it provides an opportunity to re-read and re-write these institutions from within.

Bristol Uni Press

Resistance through Higher Education

Myanmar Universities’ Struggle against Authoritarianism

This book argues that Myanmar’s resistance is deeply rooted in its university spaces. Drawing on the experiences of key actors – rectors, professors, students and activists – the book offers a compelling narrative about the life of the country following the latest coup d’état, an event that continues to puzzle the international community.

Bristol Uni Press

Reframing Education Failure and Aspiration

The Rise of the Meritocracy

Education is seen as central to social mobility and equality and, following a drive to raise learners’ aspirations, an ‘aspiration industry’ has emerged. This book traces education policy developments and argues that for learners to have aspirations that do not require qualifications should be regarded as different, not wrong.

Policy Press

The Black PhD Experience

Stories of Strength, Courage and Wisdom in UK Academia

Drawing on students’ experiences of structural racism in the UK higher education institutions, this book offers an informed analysis on the barriers to Black student progression. It documents success stories and provides key recommendations for the sector on how to eliminate discrimination and achieve positive results for Black students.

Policy Press

Critical Racial and Decolonial Literacies

Breaking the Silence

Combining critical race and indigenous theories, this collection explores critical racial literacy and anti-racist praxis in Australia's education system. Demystifying 'critical anti-racism praxis,' it advocates for multidisciplinary approaches, offering actionable ideas from educators across a range of disciplines.

Bristol Uni Press

The Science of Housework

The Home and Public Health, 1880-1940

This book recaptures the buried history of the household science movement, including domestic science teaching, public health, higher education for women and the scientific content and aims of domestic science courses.

Policy Press

Educational Collateral Damage

Disadvantaged Students, Exclusion and Social Justice

Drawing on student experiences and the perspectives of senior leaders, this book challenges orthodox thinking about school exclusion and advocates for a fairer education system for disadvantaged students.

Policy Press

Assembling Comparison

Understanding Education Policy through Mobilities and Assemblage

This book combines assemblage theory and policy mobilities to inform the study of comparative and international education (CIE), focusing on education policy and how such policy moves are enacted.

Bristol Uni Press

The New Political Economy of Teacher Education

The Enterprise Narrative and the Shadow State

Adopting a political economy perspective, Viv Ellis, Lauren Gatti and Warwick Mansell present a unique and international analysis of teacher education policy in the US, England and Norway after the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.

Policy Press

The Degree Generation

The Making of Unequal Graduate Lives

This book traces the transition to the graduate labour market of a cohort of middle-class and working-class young people. Using personal stories and voices, it provides fascinating insights into their experience of graduate employment and how their life-course transitions are shaped by their social backgrounds and education.

Bristol Uni Press

Exploring Digital Technology in Education

Why Theory Matters and What to Do about It

The field of digital technology in education has long been under-theorised. This book will enable the reader to reflect on the use of theory when explaining technology use and set out ways in which we can theorise better.

Policy Press

The Liberal Arts Paradox in Higher Education

Negotiating Inclusion and Prestige

By examining the emergence and growth of liberal arts degrees in English higher education, this book tackles one of the key issues in the critical sociology of higher education: the relationship between selective education and elitism.

Policy Press