Policy Press


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Showing 1-12 of 280 items.

Public Health

Cholera to the Coalition

The first digital-only ebook taster of Unequal health: The scandal of our times by Danny Dorling. It gives a flavour of one of the major themes: public health and contains three chapters from the book, preceded by a specially-written all-new introduction.

Policy Press

Health Inequalities

From Titanic to the Crash

The third digital-only ebook taster of Unequal health: The scandal of our times by Danny Dorling. It gives a flavour of one of the major themes: health inequalities contains three chapters from the book, preceded by a specially-written all-new introduction.

Policy Press

Social Medicine

Polarisation and Perspectives

The second digital-only ebook taster of Unequal health: The scandal of our times by Danny Dorling. It gives a flavour of one of the major themes: social medicine and contains three chapters from the book, preceded by a specially-written all-new introduction.

Policy Press

Collecting Primary Data

A Time-Saving Guide

Data collection is often the first thing people think of in connection with research. This e-book outlines some of the key issues and offers lots of short-cuts to save you time and stress.

Policy Press

Digital Bodies

The pieces in this Byte raise important questions about what it means to bring our embodied selves into contact with digital media technologies. The selections expand our understanding of what it means to live in and through bodies augmented by digital technologies within a deeply unequal social world.

Policy Press

Analysing Data

A Time-Saving Guide

When you've collected all your data, what do you do next? Whether it's qualitative or quantitative, this e-book explains how to prepare, code, and analyse your data. The book offers clear guidance to help you turn a morass of raw data into cogent findings.

Policy Press

Digitized Institutions

In this Byte, the contributions consider the way that digitally meditated social processes are transforming institutions. It examines the interconnectedness of institutions and considers digitization across schooling, work, and media, with an eye on inequality.

Policy Press

Writing for Research

A Time-Saving Guide

Writing is more difficult than it seems. This e-book will get you started and keep you going. It demystifies the craft of writing, and offers lots of tips and ideas to make writing manageable.

Policy Press

Managing the Research Process

A Time-Saving Guide

In reality, people need to fit research in with all their other commitments. This e-book is full of practical hints and tips to show you how to manage research alongside work, family, and social life.

Policy Press

Interprofessional education and training

Published in association with Community Care

This book provides a thorough introduction to inter-professional education in health and social care, examining the issues in detail and providing much needed practical advice.

Bristol Uni Press
  • GBP 12.99

The short guide to social work

This one-stop text for new and prospective social work students is easy to read and full of essential information and practical advice about what is needed to qualify and practice in social work.

Policy Press