Policy Press

Communities and Social Action

Showing 1-12 of 55 items.

Co-creation in Public Services for Innovation and Social Justice

Available Open Access digitally under CC-BY licence.. Informed by practical action, lived experience and international research, this book shines new light on the theory and reality of co-creation, highlighting the possibilities and potential in a range of contexts through practical service dilemmas and lived experience.

Policy Press

Retail and Community

Business, Charity and the End of Empire

Available open access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This interdisciplinary volume explores how English commercial, co-operative and charity retailing were shaped by and in turn influenced their social and political environments, from the local and the global, between the late-nineteenth and early twenty-first centuries.

Bristol Uni Press

Mobilising Voluntary Action in the UK

Learning from the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic transformed the landscape of voluntary action. This book provides an overview of the constraints and opportunities of mobilising voluntary action across the four UK jurisdictions.

Policy Press

Activists in the Data Stream

The Practices of Daily Grassroots Politics in Southern Europe

Available Open Access digitally under CC-BY-ND licence

This book pulls back the curtain on the link between technology and activism, showing shows how activists navigate the impact of digital media on today’s grassroots politics.

Bristol Uni Press

How to Build Houses and Save the Countryside

Focusing on house building and conservation politics in England, Spiers uses his considerable experience and extensive research to demonstrate why the current model doesn’t work, and why there needs to be both planning reform and a more active role for the state, including local government.

Policy Press

Romani Communities and Transformative Change

A New Social Europe

Drawing on Roma community voices and expert research, this book challenges conventional discourses on Romani identity, poverty and exclusion. Through the transformative vehicle of a ‘Social Europe’, it presents new strategies for framing social justice for Romani communities across Europe and provides innovative solutions to these dilemmas.

Policy Press

The Death of the Left

Why We Must Begin from the Beginning Again

Winlow and Hall argue that the only way to resurrect leftist politics is to begin from the beginning again. They identify the root causes of its maladies, describe how new cultural obsessions displaced core unifying principles, and outline how a new reincarnation of the left can win in the 21st century.

Policy Press

The Unlikely Candidate

What Losing an Election Taught Me about How to Change Politics

The COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping our politics, economy and society, providing a chance to reset and redesign politics. Ali Milani brings a unique perspective to the key political issues we're facing and inspires a new generation of political leaders from the disenfranchised, disillusioned and marginalised in society.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to Community Development

The third edition of this long-established guide offers an invaluable, authoritative and concise introduction to community development. Fully updated to reflect changes in policy, practice, economics and culture it will equip readers with an understanding of the history and theory of community development, as well as practical guidance.

Policy Press


Radical Strategies for Social Movement Organising

Crafted for those who dare to challenge the status quo, this revolutionary guide asks crucial questions about organising and social movements in the 21st century. Drawing from frontline experiences of activists, it explores essential themes from leadership to the art of negotiation, empowering changemakers of today for a more just world.

Policy Press

A Practical Guide to Community Social Work Practice in the UK

What does community social work mean when applied to practice? Colin Turbett explores the erratic history of community social work, demonstrating how this preventative and relationship-based model can work for the individuals and communities served, and also provide an answer to recruitment and retention issues.

Policy Press

The Gilets Jaunes and the New Social Contract

This book provides a lively account of the gilets jaunes, the yellow vest movement that has shaken France since 2018. Charles Devellennes assesses what lessons can be drawn from their activities and the impact for the contemporary relationship between state and citizen.

Bristol Uni Press