Policy Press

Economic Sociology

Showing 1-12 of 22 items.


Myths, Truths and Alternatives

Mary Mellor examines money’s social, political and commercial histories to debunk longstanding myths such as money being in short supply and needing to come from somewhere. She sets out a new finance system, based on green and feminist concerns, to bring radical change for social good.

Policy Press

Crowdfunding and the Democratization of Finance

A unique collaboration between an academic and a practitioner, this book tells the story of money from ancient Athens to the Bitcoin revolution to explain how crowdfunding is the way for people to reclaim the power of their money in pursuit of a fairer and greener society.

Bristol Uni Press

Post-Corona Capitalism

The Alternatives Ahead

This book draws on comparative and international political economy to explore alternative options for future economic development in the wake of COVID-19. Covering all major infrastructures of contemporary capitalism affected by the pandemic, it analyses the impacts of the crisis on our global socio-economic-political systems.

Bristol Uni Press

Youth Beyond the City

Thinking from the Margins

This collection charts the experiences of young people in rural and regional areas and city outskirts around the world. International experts investigate aspects of marginal spatiality and look at the complex relationships between place, history, politics and education. Chapter 10 is available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

Bristol Uni Press

How to Build a Stock Exchange

The Past, Present and Future of Finance

Exploring the development of stock exchanges, markets and the links with states, in this book Roscoe offers a cautionary tale about the drive of financial markets towards expropriation, capture and exclusion and wonders what the future for finance might be, and how we might get there.

Bristol Uni Press

Dealing in Uncertainty

Insurance in the Age of Finance

This book conducts an in-depth investigation of one of the largest and longest-established insurance industries in Europe: British life insurance. The author draws on over 40 oral history interviews to trace how the sector is changed since the 1970s, a period characterised by rampant financialisation and neoliberalisation.

Bristol Uni Press

Global Neoliberal Capitalism and the Alternatives

From Social Democracy to State Capitalisms

This bold new book offers an exhaustive diagnosis of global capitalism. Proposing a novel system of economic and political coordination based on a combination of market socialism and state planning, it offers crucial insights for thinking about alternatives to capitalism.

Bristol Uni Press

Intersectional Socialism

A Utopia for Radical Interdependence

Drawing on theoretical and empirical studies, this book offers a unique and timely reformulation of socialism adapted to current challenges. It makes explicit the ‘silent utopia’ of intersectionality theory and lays the conceptual groundwork for an emancipatory politics.

Bristol Uni Press

Games in the Platform Economy

Steam's Tangled Markets

This book examines the evolution of digital platform economies through the lens of online gaming with a unique economic sociology perspective.

Paying particular attention to Valve’s ‘Steam’ platform, the book examines the architecture of this online videogame marketplace and the way it enables new markets and economic transactions.

Bristol Uni Press

Private Renting in the Advanced Economies

Growth and Change in a Financialised World

Edited by Peter A. Kemp

This edited collection analyses recent changes in the private rental housing market, using case studies from the UK, Europe, Australia and the USA, and assesses the initial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Policy Press

Contemporary Economic Geographies

Inspiring, Critical and Plural Perspectives

Economic geography has a long and varied history, and recent work has pushed the field to diversify even further. This collection takes this agenda forward by showcasing inspiring, critical and plural perspectives. With sections on thought leaders, and future research agendas, it calls for greater openness and inclusivity.

Bristol Uni Press

Job Insecurity and Life Courses

Drawing from interviews and survey data across the EU and the UK, this in-depth study explores how worker instability is perceived and experienced, and how this “perception” in turn affects individuals’ economic and social situation. Using intersectional analysis, the authors identify groups who are more prone to labour market risks.

Bristol Uni Press