Policy Press

EDUCATION / Educational Policy & Reform / School Safety

Showing 13-24 of 34 items.

A new deal for children?

Re-forming education and care in England, Scotland and Sweden

Important reforms are taking place in children's services in the UK, with a move towards greater integration. In England, Scotland and Sweden, early childhood education and care, childcare for older children, and schools are now the responsibility of education departments. This book is the first to examine this major shift in policy.

Policy Press

Creating a learning society?

Learning careers and policies for lifelong learning

Lifelong learning is a key government strategy - both in the UK and internationally - to promote economic growth and combat social exclusion. This book presents a highly innovative study of participation in lifelong learning and the problems which need to be overcome if lifelong learning policies are to be successful.

Policy Press

Learn to succeed

The case for a skills revolution

This is the first book to draw together the evidence on the 'case' for skills and to examine the policies appropriate to achieving 'skills for all'.

Policy Press

The Learning Society and people with learning difficulties

This book makes a significant contribution to debates about how people with learning difficulties may achieve social inclusion, and the part which lifelong learning may play in this. Its exploration of the links between community care, education, training, employment, housing and benefits policies in the context of lifelong learning is unique.

Policy Press

Leadership and the reform of education

This timely book analyses the relationship between the state, public policy and the types of knowledge that New Labour used to make policy and break professional cultures.

Policy Press

Transforming education policy

Shaping a democratic future

This topical book argues that a new paradigm is emerging in education, in relation to the economic crisis. It is part of a more general trend to organisational democracy and the onus for change rests with teachers, heads, parents, community members, educational sponsors and partners.

Policy Press

Education and Social Justice in a Digital Age

This book proposes an approach to changing the educational system in order to redress inequalities in society, whilst at the same time acknowledging the potential transformative role of digital technologies.

Policy Press

Differing visions of a Learning Society Vol 1

Research findings Volume 1

Edited by Frank Coffield

This first volume explores the ways lifelong learning can contribute to the development of knowledge and skills for employment, and other areas of adult life. It addresses the challenges for researchers to study issues that are central and directly relevant to the political and policy debate, and to take into account the reality of people's lives.

Policy Press

Differing visions of a Learning Society Vol 2

Research findings Volume 2

Edited by Frank Coffield

This second volume discusses both the meaning of the Learning Society for adults with learning difficulties, and use of social capital to explain patterns of lifelong learning. It presents five different 'trajectories' of lifelong learning, explores determinants of participation and non-participation in learning, and innovation in Higher Education.

Policy Press

Education, Disadvantage and Place

Making the Local Matter

Challenging current thinking, this important book is the first to focus on the role of area-based initiatives to tackle the link between education, disadvantage and place. Aimed at all those actively seeking to tackle disadvantage, including policymakers, practitioners, academics and students.

Policy Press

Networks, New Governance and Education

This topical book uses network analysis and interviews with key actors to address the changes in education, with a focus on education and the role of new philanthropy.

Policy Press

Social Capital, Children and Young People

Implications for Practice, Policy and Research

Edited by Julie Allan and Ralph Catts

Social capital, children and young people is about the relationships and networks - social capital - that children and young people have in and out of school.

Policy Press