Policy Press

Health and social care

Showing 109-120 of 146 items.

The New Politics of Home

Housing, Gender and Care in Times of Crisis

Setting out both new empirical material and new conceptual terrain, this book draws on approaches from human geography, social policy, feminist and political theory to explore issues of home and care in times of crisis.

Policy Press

Better Partnership Working Complete Set


This exciting series of accessible 'how to' books provides an essential introduction to partnership working. 

Policy Press

International Handbook of Health Literacy

Research, Practice and Policy across the Life-Span

This comprehensive handbook provides an invaluable overview of current international thinking about health literacy, highlighting cutting edge research, policy and practice in the field. Providing a wide range of major findings, the book outlines current discourse in the field and examines necessary future dialogues and new perspectives.

Policy Press

Credit crunch health care

How economics can save our publicly funded health services

The credit crunch continues to threaten publicly-funded health care. In this timely and accessible book, Cam Donaldson considers value for money in the NHS and what can be achieved through reform and priority setting.

Policy Press

Ethnicity and Old Age

Expanding our Imagination

By bringing attention to the way that ethnicity and race have been addressed in research on ageing and old age, with a focus on health inequalities, health and social care, intergenerational relationships and caregiving, this book proposes how research can be developed in an ethnicity astute and diversity informed manner.

Policy Press

Private and confidential?

Handling personal information in the social and health services

This book examines key philosophical, ethical, legal and professional practice issues in the area of privacy and confidentiality and explores their implications for policy and practice.

Policy Press

Using Theory to Explore Health, Medicine and Society

This student-friendly textbook uses theoretical perspectives to bring to life social theories relating to health and illness. including binge drinking, obesity, the prominence of therapy and the search for happiness.

Policy Press

Towards the emancipation of patients

Patients' experiences and the patient movement

This highly original book examines, for the first time, how the patient movement, which works to improve the quality of healthcare, can actually be considered an emancipation movement when led by its radical elements.

Policy Press

Baby Boomers

Time and Ageing Bodies

This ground-breaking study of the baby boomer generation reflects the intersection of time, ageing, body and identity to give a nuanced and enlightened understanding of the ageing process.

Policy Press

Personhood, Identity and Care in Advanced Old Age

Pushing forward new sociological theory, this book explores the theoretical and practical issues raised by ageing, and the associated problems of mental and physical frailty in later life.

Policy Press

Micro-Enterprise and Personalisation

What Size Is Good Care?

What size is 'just right' for a care provider? This book explores size as an independent variable in care services, comparing outcomes and value for money across micro, small, medium and large organisations.

Policy Press

Ageing in Everyday Life

Materialities and Embodiments

Edited by Stephen Katz

What does it mean to age in an ageist society? Applying interdisciplinary perspectives about everyday life to vital issues in older people’s lives, this is a critical guide to inform thinking and planning our ageing futures.

Policy Press