Policy Press

Urban communities

Showing 49-60 of 87 items.

Restructuring large housing estates in Europe

Restructuring and resistance inside the welfare industry

All over Europe post-Second World War large-scale housing estates face physical, economic, social and cultural problems. This book presents the key findings of a major EU-funded research programme into the restructuring of twenty-nine large-scale housing estates in Northern, Western, Southern and Eastern Europe.

Policy Press

Cultural Intermediaries Connecting Communities

Revisiting Approaches to Cultural Engagement

This book considers the importance of cultural intermediaries, analysing their role as mitigators of the worst effects of social exclusion and examining the necessity to engage communities with different forms of cultural consumption and production.

Policy Press

Phoenix cities

The fall and rise of great industrial cities

This book explores economic, social and environmental transformations in Europe and the USA to inform the regeneration of 'weak market cities'. 

Policy Press

Detroit and new urban repertoires

Imagining the co-operative city

Using Detroit as a case study, this important book argues that cycles of neoliberal policy-led expansion and contraction created hollow shells of once vibrant industrial centres, and explores the potential for large scale cooperative networks to promote urban regeneration and sustain local economies

Bristol Uni Press

The Legal and Political Geography of Pluralism

Supporting Diverse Public and Private Spaces in Contemporary Cities

This book addresses questions of pluralism in a time of increasing ethnic, religious and cultural diversity in the public and private spaces of our cities. It analyses different types of regulation — property rights, municipal ordinances and urban planning — and their role in protecting and supporting diversity.

Bristol Uni Press

Pathways to Sustainable Welfare

Inertia, Emergence and Transformation in Swedish Cities

Pathways to Sustainable Welfare critically examines how cities can address the dual challenges of climate change and sustainability while ensuring the welfare of their populations. Focused on three Swedish cities, it explores the integration of environmental and welfare concerns in local policies, urban movements and public opinions.

Policy Press

Volume 4: Policy and Planning

Drawing from case studies across the globe, this book explores how the pandemic and the policies it has prompted have caused changes in the ways cities function. The contributors examine the advancing social inequality brought on by the pandemic and suggest policies intended to contain contagion whilst managing the economy in these circumstances.

Bristol Uni Press

Volume 3: Public Space and Mobility

This international volume explores the transformations of public space and public transport in response to COVID-19, both those resulting from official governmental regulations and from everyday practices of urban citizens. The contributors discuss how the virus made urban inequalities clearer, and redefined public spaces in the “new normal”.

Bristol Uni Press

Volume 1: Community and Society

Contributions to this volume engage directly with different urban communities around the world. They give voice to those who experience poverty, discrimination and marginalisation in order to put them in the front and centre of planning, policy and political debates that make and shape cities.

Bristol Uni Press

Jigsaw cities

Big places, small spaces

This new book explores Britain's intensely urban and increasingly global communities as interlocking pieces of a complex jigsaw; they are hard to see apart yet they are deeply unequal. 

Jigsaw Cities examines these issues using Birmingham, Britain's second city, as a model of pioneering urban order and as a victim of brutal Modernist planning.

Policy Press

The Practice of Collective Escape

Politics, Justice and Community in Urban Growing Projects

Drawing on ethnographic research in urban growing projects in Glasgow, this book explores community dynamics and asks who benefits from such projects. A timely consideration of localism and community empowerment, the book sheds light on key issues of light on key issues of urban land use, the right to the city and the value of social connection.

Bristol Uni Press

Resilience in the Post-Welfare Inner City

Voluntary Sector Geographies in London, Los Angeles and Sydney

Moving beyond theoretical notions of ‘resilience’ this is the first book to offer a conceptual and empirical approach to exploring and comparing the process of resilience across service ‘hubs’ in three complex but different global inner-city regions: London, Los Angeles and Sydney.

Policy Press