Policy Press

Age groups: adults

Showing 25-36 of 84 items.

Mental Health in Later Life

Taking a Life Course Approach

Drawing together material from a number of different fields the book analyses the meaning and determinants of mental health amongst older populations and offers a critical review of the lifecourse, ageing and mental health debate.

Policy Press

Precarity and Ageing

Understanding Insecurity and Risk in Later Life

This edited collection develops an exciting new approach to understanding the changing cultural, economic and social circumstances facing different groups of older people.

Policy Press

Ethnicity and Old Age

Expanding our Imagination

By bringing attention to the way that ethnicity and race have been addressed in research on ageing and old age, with a focus on health inequalities, health and social care, intergenerational relationships and caregiving, this book proposes how research can be developed in an ethnicity astute and diversity informed manner.

Policy Press

Intersections of Ageing, Gender and Sexualities

Multidisciplinary International Perspectives

This edited collection examines ageing, gender, and sexualities from multidisciplinary and geographically diverse perspectives and looks at how these factors combine with other social divisions to affect experiences of ageing.

Policy Press

Resilience and Ageing

Creativity, Culture and Community

A multidisciplinary collection examining how cultural engagement can enhance resilience, reduce social isolation and help older people to thrive and overcome challenging life events and everyday problems associated with ageing.

Policy Press

Grandparenting Practices Around the World

Edited by Virpi Timonen

This exciting collection presents an in-depth, up-to-date analysis of the unprecedented phenomenon of increasing numbers of grandparents worldwide, co-existing and interacting for longer periods of time with their grandchildren.

Policy Press

The New Dynamics of Ageing Volume 2

Edited by Alan Walker

A comprehensive multi-disciplinary overview of the very latest research on ageing, concentrating on four major themes: autonomy and independence in later life, biology and ageing, food and nutrition and representation of old age.

Policy Press

Ageing in Everyday Life

Materialities and Embodiments

Edited by Stephen Katz

What does it mean to age in an ageist society? Applying interdisciplinary perspectives about everyday life to vital issues in older people’s lives, this is a critical guide to inform thinking and planning our ageing futures.

Policy Press

Dementia and Human Rights

Launching the dementia debate into new and exciting territory, this book applies a human rights lens to interrogate the lived experience and policy response to dementia.

Policy Press

The New Dynamics of Ageing Volume 1

Edited by Alan Walker

A comprehensive multi-disciplinary overview of the very latest research on ageing, concentrating on three major themes: active ageing, design for ageing well and the relationship between ageing and socio-economic development.

Policy Press

Gender, Ageing and Extended Working Life

Cross-National Perspectives

A challenge to the assumption that there is appropriate employment available for people who are expected to retire later and the gender-neutral way the expectation for extending working lives is presented in most policy-making circles.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to Aging and Gerontology

This compact, focused guide is perfect for students and others new to the field of gerontology. Features include further reading for each chapter, a glossary of key terms, and tables that provide easy reference points.

Policy Press