Policy Press


Showing 25-36 of 140 items.

The New Political Economy of Teacher Education

The Enterprise Narrative and the Shadow State

Adopting a political economy perspective, Viv Ellis, Lauren Gatti and Warwick Mansell present a unique and international analysis of teacher education policy in the US, England and Norway after the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.

Policy Press

Nurturing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Support for Research Careers in Health and Biomedicine

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

Providing scientific evidence to support equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in health and biomedicine, this book offers practical strategies and interventions for academic settings.

Policy Press

Keywords in Education Policy Research

A Conceptual Toolbox

Designed as a reference, learning and teaching tool to assist students, educators and researchers, this book describes the history, contribution and application of over 90 keywords in the field of education policy research.

Policy Press

Democratizing Science

The Political Roots of the Public Engagement Agenda

Available open access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book examines remedies for improving public trust and the legitimacy of science. It reviews policy approaches adopted by governments and offers an original analysis of the political roots of the impact and public engagement agenda, shedding light on the wider connections to democracy.

Bristol Uni Press

The Degree Generation

The Making of Unequal Graduate Lives

This book traces the transition to the graduate labour market of a cohort of middle-class and working-class young people. Using personal stories and voices, it provides fascinating insights into their experience of graduate employment and how their life-course transitions are shaped by their social backgrounds and education.

Bristol Uni Press

Decolonizing Education for Sustainable Futures

Bringing together the perspectives of researchers, policy makers, activists, educators and practitioners, this book critically interrogates the Western-centric assumptions underpinning education and development agendas and the colonial legacies of violence they often uphold.

Bristol Uni Press

Exploring Digital Technology in Education

Why Theory Matters and What to Do about It

The field of digital technology in education has long been under-theorised. This book will enable the reader to reflect on the use of theory when explaining technology use and set out ways in which we can theorise better.

Policy Press

Who’s Afraid of Political Education?

The Challenge to Teach Civic Competence and Democratic Participation

Edited by Henry Tam

Experts on learning for democracy come together to explore why and how the gap in civic competence should be bridged. They make the case for a more effective form of political education that can enable citizens to learn to exert their influence over their government in an informed and meaningful manner.

Policy Press

The Liberal Arts Paradox in Higher Education

Negotiating Inclusion and Prestige

By examining the emergence and growth of liberal arts degrees in English higher education, this book tackles one of the key issues in the critical sociology of higher education: the relationship between selective education and elitism.

Policy Press

Decolonisation and Legal Knowledge

Reflections on Power and Possibility

The law is heavily implicated in creating, maintaining, and reproducing racialised hierarchies which bring about and preserve acute global disparities and injustices. This essential book provides an examination of the meanings of decolonisation and explores how this examination can inform teaching, researching, and practising of law.

Bristol Uni Press

The Immobility Turn

Mobility, Migration and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Using empirical evidence from Portugal, a geopolitically important point of intersection within Europe and between Global South and Global North, this book offers invaluable insights about how the pandemic has impacted migration, mobility, industries and individuals’ lives, informing policy-making processes on a global level.

Bristol Uni Press

Schooling in a Democracy

Returning Education to the Public Service

COVID-19 has widened inequalities in schools and left the future uncertain. Richard Riddell argues that the increasingly narrow focus of education governance has made new thinking impossible and has degraded public life. Nevertheless, he highlights new possibilities for democratic behaviour and the opening up of schooling to all it serves.

Policy Press