Policy Press


Showing 1-12 of 128 items.

Feminism in Public Debt

A Human Rights Approach

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence digitally

This book explores the link between government debt and women's rights. Experts highlight how economic policies worsen gender inequalities and propose a feminist approach to debt issues. It is an essential resource for comprehending the intricate connection between economics and gender.

Bristol Uni Press

A Realist Philosophy of Economics

EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

With contributions from Alan Kirman and Rod O'Donnell, Karl Mittermaier's posthumously published work establishes a conceptual framework that will help economic theorists explore new paths of empirical analysis.

Bristol Uni Press

Unpaid Work in Nursing Homes

Flexible Boundaries

Edited by Pat Armstrong

Drawing on a range of international research projects, this book documents a broad spectrum of unpaid work performed by residents, relatives, volunteers and staff in nursing homes. It provides insights which will be critical in planning for nursing home care post-pandemic.

Policy Press

City Regions and Devolution in the UK

The Politics of Representation

Rich in case study insights, this book provides an overview of city-region building and considers how governance restructuring shapes political, economic, social and cultural landscapes. Reviewing city regions in Britain, the authors address the tensions and opportunities for local elites and civil society actors.

Policy Press

Remaking Money for a Sustainable Future

Money Commons

Engaging imaginatively with the future of money, this book examines the real-life efforts of grassroots movements and activists from across the world who are reclaiming power by designing, organising and implementing complementary currencies. It will be of interest to all who are interested in constructing a more sustainable and just world.

Bristol Uni Press

COVID-19 and Risk

Policy Making in a Global Pandemic

Drawing on case studies from the UK, China, Japan, New Zealand and the US this text explores policy responses to COVID-19 through the lens of risk. The book considers how different countries framed the pandemic, categorised their populations and communicated risk. It also evaluates the role of the media, conspiracy theories and hindsight.

Policy Press

American Tianxia

Chinese Money, American Power and the End of History

After a meteoric rise, China's growth has come to a screeching halt. Salvatore Babones provides an up-to-date assessment of how China's economic problems are undermining its challenge to the Western-dominated world order. He tells how liberal individualism has become the leitmotif of American Tianxia.

Policy Press

A Climate Pact for Europe

How to Finance the Green Deal

The COVID-19 pandemic gives an opportunity to relaunch global economic systems. A bestseller in France, this book offers a Climate Pact for the EU, providing the causes, solutions and financial options of climate deregulation and challenging current policy and practice.

Bristol Uni Press

The Unequal Pandemic

COVID-19 and Health Inequalities

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC- ND This accessible, yet authoritative book shows how the pandemic is a syndemic of disease and inequality. It argues that these inequalities are a political choice and we need to learn quickly to prevent growing inequality and to reduce health inequalities in the future.

Policy Press

Inside Thatcher’s Monetarism Experiment

The Promise, the Failure, the Legacy

In 1979, Margaret Thatcher’s new government pursued a monetarist economic policy in response to double-digit inflation, rising unemployment and flatlining economic growth. Tim Lankester's insider’s account offers fascinating insights into one of Britain's most unsuccessful economic episodes and also examines monetarism's legacy today.

Policy Press

The Global Financial Crisis and Austerity

A Basic Introduction

Written by an expert in political science and straddling finance, economics and political science, this entry-level summary demystifies global finance and puts the financial crisis in its historical context. It also outlines the policy responses of Western governments to the crash and the ensuing recession and turn to austerity.

Policy Press

Why We Can't Afford the Rich

Why we can’t afford the rich exposes the unjust and dysfunctional mechanisms that allow the top 1% to siphon off wealth produced by others. With an updated Afterword, Andrew Sayer shows how the rich worldwide have increased their ability to hide their wealth, create indebtedness and expand their political influence.

Policy Press