Policy Press


Showing 49-60 of 106 items.

Parenting the Crisis

The Cultural Politics of Parent-Blame

This book examines how pathologising ideas of failing, chaotic and dysfunctional families create a powerful consensus that Britain is in the grip of a ‘parent crisis’ and are used to justify increasingly punitive state policies.

Policy Press

Outsourcing in the UK

Policies, Practices and Outcomes

In this comprehensive account, Janice Morphet analyses the role and use of outsourcing within the UK public sector since the mid-1970s and illustrates the impact it has had on ideology, policy narratives and public expectations in the present.

Bristol Uni Press

Obama’s Welfare Legacy

An Assessment of US Anti-Poverty Policies

Using new research, Anne Daguerre examines Obama’s legacy on welfare and antipoverty policies, focusing in particular on the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Policy Press

The New Working Class

How to Win Hearts, Minds and Votes

Who is working class today and how do political parties gain their support? This insightful book proposes what needs to be done to address the issues of the 'new working class'. It provides practical recommendations for political parties to reconnect with the electorate and regain trust.

Policy Press

The New Technocracy

Setting a new benchmark for studies of technocracy, this book shows that a solution to the challenge of populism will depend as much on a technocratic retreat as democratic innovation.

Bristol Uni Press

The new politics

Liberal Conservatism or same old Tories?

Published to coincide with the first anniversary of the election, this book looks at the Coalition government in the context of conservative ideas and seeks to assess what, if anything, is new about it.

Policy Press

New Directions in Women, Peace and Security

This groundbreaking edited book engages vexed and vexing questions about the future of the Women, Peace and Security agenda, balancing analysis of emerging trends with reflections from those at the forefront of policy and practice.

Bristol Uni Press

Money and Electoral Politics

Local Parties and Funding at General Elections

In this book, the authors use the latest research to explore financial differences across the UK’s three main parties in the four years leading up to the 2010 General Election, revealing an unhealthy picture of grassroots party organisation in which the capacity to engage with many voters is concentrated in a few constituencies.

Policy Press

The Modern Slavery Agenda

Policy, Politics and Practice

Modern slavery is growing despite the introduction of laws to try to stem it. This is the first book critically to assess the legislation, using evidence from across the field, and to offer strategies for improvement in policy and practice.

Policy Press

Minority Women and Austerity

Survival and Resistance in France and Britain

EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Bassel and Emejulu explore minority women’s experiences of austerity measures in France and Britain. They demonstrate how they use their race, class, gender and legal status for collective action in the face of the neoliberal colonisation.

Policy Press

Making Sense of Brexit

Democracy, Europe and Uncertain Futures

What can we learn about our society and the need to listen to each other in order to make sense of Brexit within a wider world? This accessible book addresses the causes and implications of Brexit, exploring the anger against political elites as people felt estranged from a political process that no longer expressed their will.

Policy Press

Making Policy Move

Towards a Politics of Translation and Assemblage

Written by key people in the field, this timely and accessible book argues that treating policy’s movement as an active process of ‘translation’, in which policies are interpreted, inflected and re-worked as they change location, is of critical importance for studying policy.

Policy Press