Policy Press

Public policy and the policy process

Showing 13-24 of 215 items.

Challenging choices

Ideology, consumerism and policy

This lively and topical book provides a critique of choice in contemporary society and policy. Having choices empowers us, but constant extension of choice overwhelms us. In a concise and readable style, the author considers whether choice enhances or burdens our lives, and questions the blithe assumption that more choice is always for the better.

Policy Press

Challenging governance theory

From networks to hegemony

This topical book takes a critical look at contemporary governance theory, arguing that there are structural impediments to achieving an ideology of networks and reconsidering it from Marxist and Gramscian perspectives. 

Policy Press

Changing Communities

Stories of Migration, Displacement and Solidarities

Policy Press

The changing role of local politics in Britain

The Local Government Act 2000 has transformed the way in which local politics operates. Local councillors have had to adjust to the introduction of elected mayors, cabinet government and scrutiny committees, and cope with a range of new initiatives. This book is a unique attempt to provide a coherent analysis of the impact of these changes.

Policy Press

Changing Scotland

Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey

Changing Scotland uses longitudinal data from the British Household Panel Survey to improve our knowledge and understanding of the impact of devolution on the lives of people in Scotland. It is the first time that BHPS data has been used in this way.

Policy Press

China and Post-Socialist Development

In China and Post-Socialist Development the emergence of China as an economic superpower is examined and framed within the context of the East Asian developmental miracle, arguing that China’s approach – broadly in opposition to the neo-liberal doctrine – has brought impressive results.

Policy Press

The citizen's stake

Exploring the future of universal asset policies

Can and should asset-based policies become a new pillar of the welfare state? Can they form the basis for a more egalitarian form of market economy? The citizen's stake throws open the debate by bringing together the ideas of leading thinkers in academia and policy to explore the future scope of asset-based policies in Britain.

Policy Press

Citizens at the centre

Deliberative participation in healthcare decisions

Involving citizens in policy decision-making has been a central goal of the Labour government since it came to power. But what happens when the public are drawn into debate with unfamiliar others in the unknown world of policy making at national level? This book sets out to understand the contribution that citizens can realistically make.

Policy Press

Civil Society and the Family

This enlightening book challenges conventional distinctions between the family and civil society as it uncovers how civic values and practices are inherited and fostered within the home.

Policy Press

Clear Blue Water?

The Conservative Party and the Welfare State since 1940

Written for a broad readership, the book takes an authoritative look at Conservative party policy and practice in the modern era. Its time-defined content and broad historical thread make it a valuable resource for academics and students in social policy and politics as well as social history.

Policy Press

Co-producing Research

A Community Development Approach

This book shows how community groups can work in partnership with universities to imagine better futures and make them happen, co-producing knowledge to achieve positive change.

Policy Press

The Coalition Government and Social Policy

Restructuring the Welfare State

A wide-range of experts respond to the political and social policy changes made under the UK coalition government (2010-15) and provide a critical assessment of how their policies affected the British welfare state.

Policy Press