Policy Press


Showing 25-36 of 407 items.

Black issues in social work and social care

This book builds upon popular texts addressing anti-discriminatory frameworks but focuses specifically upon black perspectives in social work. It addresses new developments and charts the impact of social changes and new literature shaping social work theory and practice with black and minority individuals, families and communities.

Policy Press

Blinded by Science

The Social Implications of Epigenetics and Neuroscience

This timely book critically examines the capabilities and limitations of new areas of biology, especially epigenetics and neuroscience, that are used as powerful arguments for developing social policy in a particular direction, exploring their implications for policy and practice.

Policy Press

Building sustainable communities

Spatial policy and labour mobility in post-war Britain

This book uses historical and contemporary materials to document the ways in which policy-makers, in different eras, have sought to use state powers and regulations to create better, more balanced, and sustainable communities and citizens. 

Policy Press

Building the Client's Relational Base

A Multidisciplinary Handbook

The book focuses on an often neglected key condition, that sustainable and accountable personal relationships are a precondition for health and well-being, and argues that there are always opportunities to deepen the quality, and range, of the client's connections with their current and future significant-others.

Policy Press

Calculating a fair market price for care

A toolkit for residential and nursing homes

This new and updated third edition of the best-selling "Calculating a fair price for care" estimates the potential cost to the public sector of paying fair market fees to a fully modernised care home sector.

Policy Press


Personal lives and social policy

Edited by Janet Fink

This book considers how normative assumptions about the meanings, practices and relationships of care are embedded in our everyday lives. It explores ways in which these shape our sense of self and the nature of our relations. It also examines how social policy and welfare practices construct relations and give or deny them meaning and validity.

Policy Press

Care and social integration in European societies

This book provides an overview and comparative analyses of the arrangements for the care of children, disabled and older people in Europe, within the context of changing labour markets and welfare systems. Gender, family change, social integration and citizenship are all explored in a report based on original empirical, cross-national research.

Policy Press

Care in Everyday Life

An Ethic of Care in Practice

In this wide-ranging book, Marian Barnes argues for care as an essential value in private lives and public policies, considering the importance of care to well-being and social justice and applying insights from feminist care ethics to care work, and care within personal relationships.

Policy Press

Care Technologies for Ageing Societies

An International Comparison

Exploring the role of technology in Europe, Canada, Australia and Japan, this book compares the ways in which technology is being implemented in different national contexts to contribute effectively to the sustainability of care systems.

Policy Press

Care, community and citizenship

Research and practice in a changing policy context

This collection focuses on the relationship between social care, community and citizenship, linking them in a way relevant to both policy and practice.

Policy Press

Cash and care

Policy challenges in the welfare state

Recent trends and policy developments have called into question the divide between the provision of income support and social care services. This book addresses this theme with reference to key trends: individualisation, citizen responsibility, the decline of the married male breadwinner and new ways of supporting disabled and older people.

Policy Press

Challenging the Politics of Early Intervention

Who's 'Saving' Children and Why

A vital challenge to the internationally accepted policy and practice consensus that intervention to shape parenting in the early years, underpinned by interpretations of brain science, is the way to prevent disadvantage.

Policy Press