Policy Press

SOCIAL SCIENCE / Social Classes & Economic Disparity

Showing 13-24 of 57 items.

Social Problems in the Age of COVID-19 Vol 2

Global Perspectives

Published with SSSP, this book addresses the greatest social challenges facing the world as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors propose public policy solutions to help refugees, migrant workers, victims of human trafficking, indigenous populations and the invisible poor of the Global South.

Policy Press

Social Problems in the Age of COVID-19 Vol 1

US Perspectives

This book provides accessible insights into pressing social problems in the United States in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and proposes public policy responses for victims and justice, precarious populations, employment dilemmas and health and well-being.

Policy Press

Social Movements and Politics During COVID-19

Crisis, Solidarity and Change in a Global Pandemic

EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

Bringing together leading authors in the sociology and social movement fields from all continents, this unique book explores both the global echoes of the pandemic and the different local and national responses adopted by different actors.

Bristol Uni Press

Social Divisions and Later Life

Difference, Diversity and Inequality

As the population ages, this book reveals how divides that are apparent through childhood and working life change and are added to in later life.

Policy Press


Snobbery matters because it is the way in which social divisions are built. In these times of growing social inequality, snobbery is becoming ever more pertinent. This book draws on literature, popular culture and autobiography as well as sociology and history to take a fresh and engaging look at this key social and cultural issue.

Policy Press

Schooling Inequality

Aspirations, Opportunities and the Reproduction of Social Class

Drawing on unique new research gathered from three contrasting secondary schools in England, this book explores the aspirations, opportunities and experiences of young people from different social-class backgrounds against a backdrop of continuing inequalities in education.

Policy Press

The Richer, The Poorer

How Britain Enriched the Few and Failed the Poor. A 200-Year History

This landmark book charts the rollercoaster history of both rich and poor, and the mechanisms that link them. Stewart Lansley examines the ideological rifts that have driven society back to the divisions of the past and asks why rich and poor citizens are still judged by very different standards.

Policy Press

Retirement Migration and Precarity in Later Life

This book seeks to understand the motivation behind retirement migration and how precarity in later life contributes to this trend.

Policy Press

Researching the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Critical Blueprint for the Social Sciences

Challenging social science’s established orthodoxies, this book is a call for academia to embrace new theoretical frameworks and research methods to better understand the reality of life in a post-Covid world.

Policy Press

Reframing Education Failure and Aspiration

The Rise of the Meritocracy

Education is seen as central to social mobility and equality and, following a drive to raise learners’ aspirations, an ‘aspiration industry’ has emerged. This book traces education policy developments and argues that for learners to have aspirations that do not require qualifications should be regarded as different, not wrong.

Policy Press

Radical Hope

Poverty-Aware Practice for Social Work

Krumer-Nevo provides a new framework for people working with and for people in poverty: The Poverty-Aware Paradigm. This book details its extensive application across diverse poverty contexts in Israel, links it to diverse facets of social work practice and provides innovative ways of thinking about how social work can address poverty globally.

Policy Press

Race, Class, Parenting and Children’s Leisure

Children’s Leisurescapes and Parenting Cultures in Middle-class British Indian Families

School-age children’s everyday lives are changing as they are immersed in digital leisure and organised activities. However, our current understandings of these transitions are race-blind. Presenting the first study of middle-class British Indian families, this book reveals the salience of race and class in shaping parenting cultures and children.

Bristol Uni Press