Policy Press

Social Movements and Social Change

Showing 25-36 of 78 items.

Men’s Activism to End Violence Against Women

Voices from Spain, Sweden and the UK

EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book draws attention to those men who take action to end violence against women. The authors demonstrate what we can learn from their experiences to help build the movement to end violence against women.

Policy Press

Lessons in Diplomacy

Politics, Power and Parties

Leigh Turner's witty globe-trotting adventure through one of the most intriguing careers a person can have offers astute reflections on Brexit, Russia’s war with Ukraine and the chaos of modern politics, shedding new light on the intricacies of modern statecraft, including what we all can learn from a good diplomat or ambassador.

Policy Press

The Gilets Jaunes and the New Social Contract

This book provides a lively account of the gilets jaunes, the yellow vest movement that has shaken France since 2018. Charles Devellennes assesses what lessons can be drawn from their activities and the impact for the contemporary relationship between state and citizen.

Bristol Uni Press

Defund the Police

An International Insurrection

This book examines the ‘defund the police’ movement from historical and contemporary perspectives. Against the backdrop of abolition and the failure of police reform, it uses international case studies to reimagine community safety beyond policing and imprisonment.

Policy Press

Challenging violence against women

The Canadian experience

There is widespread recognition among policy makers, professionals and activists in Britain that Canadian work on violence against women has been in the vanguard. This report brings together 'state-of-the-art' accounts of Canadian approaches to violence against women and discusses them in the context of current UK policy.

Policy Press

Imagining Society

The Case for Sociology

Re-examining C.Wright Mills’s legacy as a jumping off point, this original introduction to sociology illuminates global concepts, themes and practices that are fundamental to the discipline and rethinks and re-imagines what a critically committed, politically engaged and publicly relevant sociology should look like in the 21st century.

Bristol Uni Press

Sustainable Hedonism

A Thriving Life that Does Not Cost the Earth

Drawing on modern science and ancient Greek philosophy, this book calls on us to explore our collective and personal convictions about success and good life. It challenges the mainstream worldview, rooted in economics, that equates happiness with pleasure, and encourages greed, materialism, egoism and disconnection.

Bristol Uni Press

Global Neoliberal Capitalism and the Alternatives

From Social Democracy to State Capitalisms

This bold new book offers an exhaustive diagnosis of global capitalism. Proposing a novel system of economic and political coordination based on a combination of market socialism and state planning, it offers crucial insights for thinking about alternatives to capitalism.

Bristol Uni Press

Housing Shock

The Irish Housing Crisis and How to Solve It

Hearne contextualises the Irish housing crisis within its broader global context and examines its origins in terms of the extension of neoliberalism, marketisation and financialisation in housing. Using real voices and stories, he shows how the crisis is having profound impacts on equality, wellbeing and health.

Policy Press

Understanding social welfare movements

"Understanding social welfare movements" is the first text to bring together social policy and social movement studies. The book provides a timely and much needed overview of the changing nature of social welfare as it has been shaped by the demands of social movements.

Policy Press

Disrupting the Academy with Lived Experience-Led Knowledge

By exploring a range of social justice issues from first-hand perspectives, this book reframes our understanding of knowledge production. It demonstrates that when lived experience experts lead the way, their knowledge can enrich, transform and decolonise research, teaching and advocacy.

Policy Press

Advancing Health Rights Through Community Development and Participatory Praxis

In our post-pandemic world, the international community and national governments are searching for new solutions to build healthy and resilient societies. This timely book focuses on community participation in building healthier populations, with practical examples from the Global North and South.

Policy Press