Policy Press

Social Work

Showing 157-168 of 372 items.

Living and working in areas of street sex work

From conflict to coexistence

There has been considerable recent policy debate and community concern on street sex work in local neighbourhoods. This report examines how residential areas characterised as areas of female street sex work are shared by different sections of the community and considers community and policy responses. Free pdf version available at www.jrf.org.uk

Policy Press

Living on equal terms

Supporting people with aquired brain injury in their own homes

Connections provides flexible support to enable people with acquired brain injury to live in ordinary housing and to develop community links. This evaluation of the Connections service establishes whether or not the model satisfactorily supported people to live in the community and explores its usefulness for replication by other agencies.

Policy Press

Living on the Edge

Innovative Research on Leaving Care and Transitions to Adulthood

Addressing previously neglected groups of care leavers such as unaccompanied migrants, street youth, young parents and those with a disability, this book considers the precarity often experienced by many care leavers. It makes research relevant to practitioners and policy-makers aiming to enable, rather than label, vulnerable groups.

Policy Press

London voices, London lives

Tales from a working capital

"London Voices, London Lives" addresses a question of great current importance for urban policy: what kind of a place is London in the 21st century, and how does it differ significantly from other parts of urban Britain? It addresses these questions in a unique way: over one hundred ordinary Londoners provide their answers in their own voices.

Policy Press

Long-Term Care Reforms in OECD Countries

With contributions from a range of experts across OECD countries, this book examines changes in long-term care systems throughout those countries, discussing and comparing key changes in national policies and examining the main successes and failures of recent reforms.

Policy Press

Long-Term Recovery from Substance Use

European Perspectives

This cross-Europe analysis explores crucial aspects of long term recovery from substance use. Leading experts set out the evolving needs of people who have sought to change their use of substances and the factors in their progress. The book concludes with clear recommendations for improving future research, policy and practice.

Policy Press

Love and the Market

How to Recover from the Enlightenment and Survive the Current Crisis

Revisiting philosophical developments, historical figures and events, including Adam Smith, colonialism and modernity, this interdisciplinary book presents a ‘loving critique’ of society. It shows how learning to love better is key to releasing ourselves from the alienating grip of the market.

Bristol Uni Press

Madness, Distress and the Politics of Disablement

An exploration of the relationship between madness, distress and disability, bringing together leading scholars and activists from Europe, North America, Australia and India.

Policy Press

Making a difference?

Exploring the impact of multi-agency working on disabled children with complex health care needs, their families and the professionals who support them

Many health, education and social service initiatives aim to implement better multi-agency working between agencies and professionals. But what difference does this sort of change make to those on the receiving end? This book explores the impact of multi-agency working on disabled children and the families and professionals who support them.

Policy Press

Making community participation meaningful

A handbook for development and assessment

Community participation is now demanded of virtually all public sector services and programmes. This handbook provides practitioners, community activists, regeneration managers, teachers and academics with the tools needed to ensure that it is effective.

Policy Press

Making Decisions in Compulsory Mental Health Work

Boundaries, Frames and Perspectives

Designed to support training and CPD in compulsory mental health work, this book looks at assessment, detention, compulsion and coercion in a variety of settings. With emphasis on theory into practice, the book is essential reading for those looking to develop their reflexive and critical analytical skills.

Policy Press

Making Sense of Child Sexual Exploitation

Exchange, Abuse and Young People

Providing fresh insight into child sexual exploitation (CSE), this book uses the voices of children and young people who have experienced sexual exploitation, and the practitioners who have worked with them, to challenge the dominant discourse around CSE.

Policy Press