Policy Press

Sociology of Gender and Sexuality

Showing 109-120 of 125 items.

Menopause Transitions and the Workplace

Theorizing Transitions, Responsibilities and Interventions

Edited by Vanessa Beck and Jo Brewis

Offering theoretical frameworks from experts as well as practical examples to support women transitioning through menopause in the workplace, this is a go-to reference for academics and policy makers working in the field.

Bristol Uni Press

Queer Conflict Research

New Approaches to the Study of Political Violence

Bringing together a team of international scholars, this volume provides a foundational guide to queer methodologies in the study of political violence and conflict.

Bristol Uni Press

Precarious Intimacies

Generation, Rent and Reproducing Relationships in London

In a time of increasing social and economic inequality, this book illustrates the precarity experienced by millennials facing both rising rents and wage stagnation. Featuring the voices of those with lived experience of precarity, the book reveals the crucial role of British housing policies in deepening inter- and intra-generational injustice.

Bristol Uni Press

The Dynamics of Young Fatherhood

Understanding the Parenting Journeys and Support Needs of Young Fathers

Around 1 in 10 children born in the UK are fathered by men under the age of 25, and this book tackles the overlooked views and needs of these young fathers. Challenging negative popular and media discourses, this book showcases future policy and practice directions designed to nurture the potential of these young men and their children.

Policy Press

Understanding Muslim Family Life

Changing Relationships, Personal Life and Inequality

This book offers an innovative perspective on Muslim family life in British society. It explores key issues including diverse forms of family, gender, generation, race, ethnicity and class, informing solutions for inequalities. It demonstrates how a better understanding of Muslim family life can inform policies to address inequalities.

Bristol Uni Press

Trafficking Chains

Modern Slavery in Society

This book offers a theory of trafficking and modern slavery with implications for policy. Going beyond polarised debates on the sex trade, this book shows the importance of coercion and the societal complexities that perpetuate modern slavery.

Bristol Uni Press

HIV, Gender and the Politics of Medicine

Embodied Democracy in the Global South

Drawing on 20 years of ethnographic and policy research in South Africa, Brazil and India, this book highlights the value of understanding the embodied and political dimensions of health policy and reveals the networked threads that weave women’s precarity into the governance of technologies and the technologies of governance.

Bristol Uni Press

Intimacy as a Lens on Work and Migration

Experiences of Ethnic Performers in Southwest China

This book explores the experiences of ethnic performers' in a small Chinese city. Introducing the concept of ‘intimacy as a lens’, the author examines intimate negotiations involving emotions, sense of self and relationships as a way of understanding wider social inequalities.

Bristol Uni Press

Boundaries of Queerness

Homonationalism and Racial Politics in Sweden

This book explores how race, sexuality and gender are employed in political projects of belonging, whilst examining the implications for individual identity formation, in the context of Sweden.

Bristol Uni Press

The Science of Housework

The Home and Public Health, 1880-1940

This book recaptures the buried history of the household science movement, including domestic science teaching, public health, higher education for women and the scientific content and aims of domestic science courses.

Policy Press

Gendering Place and Affect

Attachment, Disruption and Belonging

This book uses affect theory to explore how placed surroundings shape experiences of gender. Drawing on debates in sociology, geography and organization studies, it examines what it means to be ‘in’ or ‘out’ of place and analyses how gender shapes meanings, attachments and identities relating to place.

Bristol Uni Press

Embodying Irish Abortion Reform

Bodies, Emotions, and Feminist Activism

This book explores the experiences of people affected by Ireland's constitutional abortion ban. Through in-depth research and interviews, the author uncovers how the 8th Amendment led women and gestating people live their bodies as "future aborting bodies," and how the need to ‘prepare’ for crisis pregnancies shaped everyday practices.

Bristol Uni Press