Policy Press

Sociology of Gender and Sexuality

Showing 13-24 of 125 items.

Family policy paradoxes

Gender equality and labour market regulation in Sweden, 1930-2010

This book looks at political attempts to create a 'modern family' and the aspiration to regulate the family and establish gender equality, examining the regulation of the family in Sweden between 1930 and today.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to Gender

This accessible guide provides readers with an introduction to the key concepts and main developments in gender studies. Highlighting the importance of gender in the contemporary world, it is an ideal overview for students and professionals alike.

Policy Press

Gender Equality in the Welfare State?

This timely and accessible textbook analyses the male breadwinner model in terms of care, work, time, income and power, providing a framework which asks about policies and practices for gender equality in each of these. This new approach contextualises national policies and debates within comparative theoretical analysis and data.

Policy Press

The Unfinished Revolution

Voices from the Global Fight for Women's Rights

Edited by Minky Worden

The unfinished revolution: Voices from the global fight for women's rights tells the legal and political history of the battle to secure basic rights for women and girls with essays by more than 30 writers, activists, policymakers and human rights experts, and contributions from women who have been victims of human rights abuses.

Policy Press

Diversity in Family Life

Gender, Relationships and Social Change

The book aims to show that, in the 21st century, it is possible to live, love, form a family without sex, without children, without a shared home, without a partner, without a working husband, without a heterosexual orientation or without a "biological" sexual body.

Policy Press

Gendering Women

Identity and Mental Wellbeing through the Lifecourse

Led by women’s life history accounts, this is an engaging and accessible account of how constructions of femininity fundamentally affect women's mental wellbeing through the life course.

Policy Press

Challenging the Myth of Gender Equality in Sweden

This is the first book to explode the myth of Swedish gender equality, offering both a new perspective for an international audience, and suggesting how equality might be re-thought more generally.

Policy Press

Reclaiming Feminism

Challenging Everyday Misogyny

Miriam David celebrates the achievements of international feminists as activists and scholars and provides a critique of the expansion of global higher education masking their pioneering zeal and zest for knowledge.

Policy Press

Women's Emancipation and Civil Society Organisations

Challenging or Maintaining the Status Quo?

This collection examines the nexus between the emancipation of women, and their role(s) in civil service organisations. It covers the role of social media in organising, the significance of religion in many cultural contexts, activism in Eastern Europe and the impact of environmental degradation on women’s lives.

Policy Press

The Concept and Measurement of Violence Against Women and Men

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. The book is a guide to how the measurement of violence can be best achieved. It shows how to make femicide, rape, domestic violence, and FGM visible in official statistics and offers practical guidance on definitions, indicators and coordination mechanisms.

Policy Press

Designing Prostitution Policy

Intention and Reality in Regulating the Sex Trade

The book offers a detailed analysis of the design and implementation of prostitution policy at the local level.

Policy Press

Intimacy and Ageing

New Relationships in Later Life

This timely book, part of the Ageing in a Global Context series, addresses the gap in knowledge about late life repartnering and provides a comprehensive map of the changing landscape of late life intimacy.

Policy Press