Policy Press

Sebastian Taylor

Dr Sebastian Taylor leads the global programme at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. He is an advisor to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and served as Senior Research Fellow on the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health. He works with governments, UN agencies, international and local NGOs on health systems strengthening in India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Nepal, Afghanistan and Laos, Nigeria, Rwanda and Sierra Leone amongst other countries. He led intervention in conflict-affected and post-conflict countries, from clearing landmines to advocacy on international humanitarian law, and has taught international health and development at undergraduate and graduate levels.
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Health in a Post-COVID World

Lessons from the Crisis of Western Liberalism

At a time of global ‘permacrisis’, Sebastian Taylor applies his extensive frontline experience working with health systems and healthcare in the Global North and South to assess the concrete impact of contemporary liberal values on our welfare, development and environmental survival.

Policy Press