Policy Press

Society for Social Studies of Science conference 2021 journal highlights

We are excited to share our latest journals with you at 4S 2021. Keep reading to learn about our new challenge led open access journal: Global Social Challenges Journal.

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Introducing Global Social Challenges Journal: Non-profit, open access publishing for change 

How can we re-imagine society in an era of climate change, pandemic, hunger, poverty and other pressing global societal challenges? Significant threats and dangers lie ahead of us, but so do opportunities. This new fully open access, not-for-profit journal aims to facilitate thinking about these positive new trajectories and become the journal of choice to address the complexities of global social challenges across disciplines. 

Global Social Challenges Journalwill be the first such journal to be based in the social sciences, whilst engaging with research from all fields of study. It will be an important home for research that contributes to the creation of alternative futures that are socially and environmentally just and sustaining. 

Want to know more? Read our call for papers, follow @GSC_Journal on Twitter and join the journal mailing list for the latest news.   

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