Policy Press

Economics and Society - Research

Showing 49-60 of 92 items.

The Age of Low Tech

Towards a Technologically Sustainable Civilization

A best-seller in France, this English language edition introduces readers to an alternative perspective on our technological future. Bihouix skilfully goes against the grain to argue that ‘high’ technology will not solve global problems and envisages a different approach to manage our resources and build a more resilient and sustainable society.

Bristol Uni Press

Remaking the Real Economy

Escaping Destruction by Organised Money

Debunking the myths around the current economic belief systems, this book reveals how mainstream perspectives work for the benefit of the organised money establishment, while causing all manner of destructions and inequalities which work against the common good. It offers a refreshingly simple business strategy model for a truly sustainable future.

Policy Press

Enduring Austerity

The Uneven Geographies of the Post-Welfare State

This book reflects on the spatially and socially uneven impacts of austerity and considers its future impacts on individuals, families and areas. In doing so, it offers a new critical analysis of the uneven geographies created by austerity in the post-welfare age.

Bristol Uni Press

Rural Poverty Today

Experiences of Social Exclusion in Rural Britain

Many people living in rural areas face hardship but the UK’s welfare system is poorly adapted to meet their needs, with the COVID-19 pandemic, Brexit and cutbacks exacerbating pressures. This book combines person-based and place-based approaches to tackling rural poverty.

Policy Press

Transforming Agriculture and Foodways

The Digital-Molecular Convergence

Agri-food systems in the Global North are experiencing a wave of technological innovation in food production and ways of eating. This book is the first to analyse technological and socio-economic change in leading food sectors and it concludes that despite innovation, the food industry is adapting too slowly to the challenges of climate change.

Bristol Uni Press

Rethinking Financial Behaviour

Rationality and Resistance in the Financialization of Everyday Life

UK and US pension policy expects consistently informed decision-making in finance. Deviating from this is often deemed “irrational”, ignoring uncontrollable factors in individuals’ lives.

Challenging existing policy approaches, this book proposes a fresh perspective on rationality when it comes to financial policy and practices.

Bristol Uni Press

The Politics of Food Insecurity in Canada and the United Kingdom

This book takes a critical political economy approach to understanding food insecurity in Canada and the UK. It provides a vision of a future whereby public control over the distribution of resources –including food – will eliminate food insecurity and other conditions that threaten health.

Policy Press

Social Murder?

Austerity and Life Expectancy in the UK

Combining robust evidence with real-life stories, this book reveals the shocking impact of austerity policies on life expectancy and offers an optimistic vision of what can be done to restore life expectancy and reduce health inequality.

Policy Press

Love and the Market

How to Recover from the Enlightenment and Survive the Current Crisis

Revisiting philosophical developments, historical figures and events, including Adam Smith, colonialism and modernity, this interdisciplinary book presents a ‘loving critique’ of society. It shows how learning to love better is key to releasing ourselves from the alienating grip of the market.

Bristol Uni Press

Extinction Equilibrium

Economics for Generational Survival

The past two decades have seen a global financial crisis, increasing levels of inequality, a pandemic and the intensification of the climate emergency. As debate rages about how to ensure a fairer society, this book asks where we want to be in 20 years’ time and how we might get there.

Bristol Uni Press

Politics of the Gift

Towards a Convivial Society

Drawing on French sociologist Marcel Mauss' influential theory of 'the gift', this book shows that trust is the only glue that holds societies together, and people are giving beings and they who can cooperate for the benefit of all when the logic of maximizing utility personal gain in capitalism is broken.

Bristol Uni Press

The EU Migrant Generation in Asia

Middle-Class Aspirations in Asian Global Cities

Drawing on a comparative study with individuals who migrated to Singapore and Tokyo in 2010s, this book demonstrates how migration to Asian business centres has become an alternative to a middle-class life in Europe and how the perceived insecurities of life in the crisis-ridden EU result in these migrants’ prolonged stay in Asia.

Bristol Uni Press