Policy Press


Showing 13-23 of 23 items.

Education and Development in Central America and the Latin Caribbean

Global Forces and Local Responses

Rooted in an international political economy theoretical framework, this book provides unique insights into the global forces and local responses that are shaping education systems in Central America and the Latin Caribbean (CALC).

Bristol Uni Press

Developing a Critical Pedagogy of Migration Studies

Ethics, Politics and Practice in the Classroom

Complete with pedagogical features that provide space for reflection and discussion, this book invites readers to examine their own relationships with migration, ethics, politics and power, encouraging teachers, students and practitioners to think critically about their position in relation to the knowledge they both bring and gain.

Bristol Uni Press

Intimacy as a Lens on Work and Migration

Experiences of Ethnic Performers in Southwest China

This book explores the experiences of ethnic performers' in a small Chinese city. Introducing the concept of ‘intimacy as a lens’, the author examines intimate negotiations involving emotions, sense of self and relationships as a way of understanding wider social inequalities.

Bristol Uni Press

The European Union and the United Nations in Global Governance

Written by a leading expert in the field, this book analyses the complex relations between the European Union (EU) as a regional organization and the United Nations (UN) as an international, global governance institution.

Bristol Uni Press

Civil Servants and Globalization

Integrating MENA Countries in a Globalized Economy

This volume analyses the impact of globalization on civil service systems across the Middle East and North Africa. It presents an analytical model to assess how globalization influences civil servants and traces the shifting patterns of power and accountability between civil servants, politicians and other actors.

Bristol Uni Press

Globalizing Regionalism and International Relations

Building on the recent initiative to truly globalise the field of International Relations, this book provides an innovative interrogation of regionalism.

Bristol Uni Press

Diffusing Human Trafficking Policy in Eurasia

Offering a perceptive study of the urgent human rights issue of trafficking in persons, this important book analyses the development and effectiveness of public policies across Eurasia.

Policy Press

Keywords in Education Policy Research

A Conceptual Toolbox

Designed as a reference, learning and teaching tool to assist students, educators and researchers, this book describes the history, contribution and application of over 90 keywords in the field of education policy research.

Policy Press

Property, Power and Politics

Why We Need to Rethink the World Power System

This revolutionary work rethinks globalization as a power system feeding from, and in competition with, the state system. In illuminating how the concentration of property rights within corporations led to the rejection of democracy and to the rise in inequality, Robé offers a clear pathway to a fairer and more sustainable power system.

Bristol Uni Press

Authoritarian Contagion

The Global Threat to Democracy

This innovative book uses examples from around the world to examine the spread of draconian and nationalistic forms of government - ‘authoritarian protectionism’ - which provides new insight into the changing nature of the authoritarian threat to democracy and how it might be overcome.

Bristol Uni Press