Policy Press

Health Systems and Policy

Showing 1-12 of 77 items.

Public Health and International Economic Law

Preventing Non-communicable Diseases and Promoting Better Health for All

This book tackles crucial and timely questions regarding the impact of international trade and investment law on state regulatory autonomy in crafting and executing measures to prevent non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

Bristol Uni Press

A Guide to Commissioning for Health and Wellbeing

This book offers you a warm welcome into the often-complex world of healthcare commissioning. Amanda J. Hughes shares personal insights from her commissioning career and practical guidance that will demystify the commissioning cycle and ease the journey as you strive to achieve good outcomes.

Policy Press

Healthy Societies

Policy, Practice and Obstacles

Re-examining health, healthcare and societal health using the latest data and research, this book addresses definitions of health, changes in health over time and the contribution of healthcare. It also suggests ways of effectively tackling obstacles to improving health and healthcare in 21st century Britain.

Policy Press

The Rise of Mental Vulnerability at Work

A Socio-Historical and Cultural Analysis

Since the 1960s a major mental health crisis has emerged among Western working populations. Through a study spanning several decades, this book uses an original framework to capture the history and developments of mental vulnerability in working life.

Policy Press

Health Policy in the United States

Access, Cost and Quality

Introducing the fundamentals of health policy and offering analysis of major health care programmes and reflections on issues around access, quality, cost and the ethics of provision, this book provides a comprehensive exploration of the role and influence of public policy on the medical system in the United States.

Policy Press

Making Health Public

A Manifesto for a New Social Contract

With a public health crisis gripping the UK, this book examines the organisational and political barriers to an effective public health system and determines that a new social contract is needed, in which health policy is truly public.

Policy Press

The NHS at 75

The State of UK Health Policy

In its 75th anniversary year, this book examines the history, evolution and future of the NHS. With contributions from leading researchers and experts across a range of fields, it provides a long-term critical review of the NHS and key themes in health policy.

Policy Press

What Is Public Trust in the Health System?

Insights into Health Data Use

This important book uses empirical evidence to explore the concept of public trust in health systems.

In doing so, it provides a comprehensive contemporary explanation of public trust, how it affects health systems and how it can be nurtured and maintained as an integral component of health system governance.

Policy Press

Unpaid Work in Nursing Homes

Flexible Boundaries

Edited by Pat Armstrong

Drawing on a range of international research projects, this book documents a broad spectrum of unpaid work performed by residents, relatives, volunteers and staff in nursing homes. It provides insights which will be critical in planning for nursing home care post-pandemic.

Policy Press

How Britain Loves the NHS

Practices of Care and Contestation

It is often claimed that the UK is unusually attached to its National Health Service, and the last decade has seen increasingly visible displays of gratitude and love. This book offers a timely critique of both the potential, and the dysfunctions, of Britain’s complex love affair with its healthcare system.

Policy Press

Health in a Post-COVID World

Lessons from the Crisis of Western Liberalism

At a time of global ‘permacrisis’, Sebastian Taylor applies his extensive frontline experience working with health systems and healthcare in the Global North and South to assess the concrete impact of contemporary liberal values on our welfare, development and environmental survival.

Policy Press

Displacement, Human Rights and Sexual and Reproductive Health

Conceptualizing Gender Protection Gaps in Latin America

Focusing on the flight of women and girls from Venezuela, this book examines the gendered nature of forced displacement and the ways in which the failures of protection regimes to be sensitive to displacement’s gendered character affect women and girls, and their sexual and reproductive health.

Bristol Uni Press