Policy Press

Ian Rees Jones

Ian Rees Jones is Professor of Sociological Research at Cardiff University and Director of the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research and Data (WISERD).
Showing 1-4 of 4 items.

The Foundational Economy and Citizenship

Comparative Perspectives on Civil Repair

With thinking around the foundational economy becoming increasingly influential, this interdisciplinary collection sets out its role in renewing citizenship and informing policy. Drawing on case studies in areas of social and economic concern, it explores how foundational experiments can foster collective consumption and promote social justice.

Policy Press

Civil Society in an Age of Uncertainty

Institutions, Governance and Existential Challenges

This book explores how the uncertainties of the 21st century present existential challenges to civil society. Presenting original empirical findings, it highlights transferable lessons that will inform policy and practice in today’s age of uncertainty.

Policy Press

City Regions and Devolution in the UK

The Politics of Representation

Rich in case study insights, this book provides an overview of city-region building and considers how governance restructuring shapes political, economic, social and cultural landscapes. Reviewing city regions in Britain, the authors address the tensions and opportunities for local elites and civil society actors.

Policy Press

Ageing in a consumer society

From passive to active consumption in Britain

This book provides a unique critical perspective on the changing nature of later life by examining the engagement of older people with consumer society in Britain since the 1960s.

Policy Press