Policy Press

Poverty & unemployment

Showing 61-72 of 125 items.

Women Rough Sleepers in Europe

Homelessness and Victims of Domestic Abuse

This important book reveals a number of truths about women’s rough sleeping across Europe and argues for the adoption of effective policy, strategies and services to meet the needs of homeless women, specifically women rough sleepers who are the victims of domestic abuse.

Policy Press

Justice and Fairness in the City

A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to 'Ordinary' Cities

This book examines the theory and practice of justice in and of the city through a multi-disciplinary collaboration, which draws on a wide range of expertise. It will be a valuable resource for academic researchers and students across a range of disciplines including urban and environmental studies.

Policy Press

Advising in Austerity

Reflections on Challenging Times for Advice Agencies

Edited by Samuel Kirwan

Advising in austerity provides a lively and thought-provoking account of the conditions, consequences and challenges of advice work in the UK. It examines how advisors negotiate the private troubles of those who come to Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) and construct ways forward.

Policy Press

For Whose Benefit?

The Everyday Realities of Welfare Reform

'For whose benefit?' explores how those at the sharp end of welfare reform experience changes to the benefit system. It looks at how the rights and responsibilities of citizenship are experienced on the ground, and whether the welfare state still offers meaningful protection and security to those who rely upon it.

Policy Press

Youth Marginality in Britain

Contemporary Studies of Austerity

This collections showcases contemporary research on multiple youth deprivation of personal isolation, social hardship, gender and ethnic discrimination and social stigma, drawing on findings of empirical studies that seek to explore the critical intersections of social class, gender and ethnic identities.

Policy Press

Rethinking Poverty

What Makes a Good Society?

This book calls for a bold forward-looking social policy that addresses continuing austerity, under-resourced organisations and a lack of social solidarity. Based on a research programme by the Webb Memorial Trust, a key theme is power which shows that the way forward is to increase people’s sense of agency in building the society that they want.

Policy Press

Austerity, Community Action, and the Future of Citizenship in Europe

Exploring secular and faith-based grassroots social action in Germany and the UK, this book provides new ways of thinking about social and political belonging and about the relations between individual, collective and State responsibility.

Policy Press

Dead-End Lives

Drugs and Violence in the City Shadows

Using vivid testimonies and images, Briggs and Monge document the stories and situations of the people who live in Valdemingómez , placing them in a political, economic and social context.

Policy Press

Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK

Volume 1 - The Nature and Extent of the Problem

This text provides insights into the nature and extent of poverty and social exclusion in the UK today for different social groups: older and younger people; parents and children; ethnic groups; men and women; disabled people; and across regions through the recent period of austerity.

Policy Press

Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK

Volume 2 - The Dimensions of Disadvantage

This fascinating book provides a detailed national picture of poverty and social exclusion. Chapters consider a range of dimensions of exclusion and explores relationships between these in the first truly multi-dimensional analysis.

Policy Press

Poverty, Inequality and Social Work

The Impact of Neo-Liberalism and Austerity Politics on Welfare Provision

A critical analysis of the domino effect of neoliberalism and austerity on social work. Applying theory including those of Bourdieu and Wacquant to practice, it argues that social work should return to a focus on relational and community approaches.

Policy Press

Welfare, Inequality and Social Citizenship

Deprivation and Affluence in Austerity Britain

Offers a rare and vivid insight into the everyday lives, attitudes and behaviours of the rich as well as the poor across the UK, demonstrating how those marginalised and validated by the existing welfare system make sense of the prevailing socio-political settlement and their own position within it.

Policy Press