Policy Press

Social discrimination

Showing 1-12 of 173 items.

Permanent Racism

Race, Class and the Myth of Postracial Britain

This book examines and challenges the marginalisation of critical race analysis in debates on social justice, which have been constrained by a facile post-racialism. Highlighting the need to decolonise public debate and antiracism itself, it provides an essential resource for academics, students and activists.

Policy Press

Affective Polarisation

Social Inequality in the UK after Austerity, Brexit and COVID-19

Inequality is an ever-present danger in our society. This book addresses the nexus between the lived experience of inequality and how it shapes political responses. It offers a powerful examination of how the politics of the UK and the lived experiences of its residents have been reframed in the first decades of the 21st century.

Bristol Uni Press

Activist Feminist Geographies

Exploring what it means to enact feminist geography, this book joins cases of collaborative research with social justice activist movements. From Black feminist organizing in the American South to feminist geography collectives in Latin America, the book showcases activist-engaged scholarship from the global north and south.

Bristol Uni Press

Managing Risk during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Global Policies, Narratives and Practices

This book provides an accessible guide to the key elements of risk in policy making and shows how its use and misuse has shaped policy makers’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in a range of countries.

Policy Press

Migrants and Their Money

Surviving Financial Exclusion

This original and topical book tells the untold stories of migrants' experiences of, and responses to, financial exclusion in London.

Policy Press

Wealth and the Wealthy

Exploring and Tackling Inequalities between Rich and Poor

Using many data sources, this timely book provides a comprehensive discussion of issues of wealth, looking at potential policy responses, including 'asset-based' welfare and taxation.

Policy Press

Welfare, Inequality and Social Citizenship

Deprivation and Affluence in Austerity Britain

Offers a rare and vivid insight into the everyday lives, attitudes and behaviours of the rich as well as the poor across the UK, demonstrating how those marginalised and validated by the existing welfare system make sense of the prevailing socio-political settlement and their own position within it.

Policy Press

The Richer, The Poorer

How Britain Enriched the Few and Failed the Poor. A 200-Year History

This landmark book charts the rollercoaster history of both rich and poor, and the mechanisms that link them. Stewart Lansley examines the ideological rifts that have driven society back to the divisions of the past and asks why rich and poor citizens are still judged by very different standards.

Policy Press

Low-income Female Teacher Values and Agency in India

Implications for Reflective Practice

This book shows how the speech and syntax of low-income female teachers in India’s education system establishes a special form of relational agency and empowerment.

Policy Press

A Beginner’s Guide to Building Better Worlds

Ideas and Inspiration from the Zapatistas

Written by an international team of authors, this ambitious volume offers radical alternatives to staid ways of thinking on the most crucial global challenges of our times. Bridging real examples of political agency, collective action and mutual aid with big-picture concepts, the book encourages readers to ‘be a Zapatista’, wherever they are.

Policy Press

The Political Economy of Fortune and Misfortune

Prospects for Prosperity in Our Times

Bringing together philosophical insights with social theory, this book develops a better understanding of the role luck plays in generating and reinforcing inequality. The author offers a political economy of life chances and an analysis of durable and demonstrable social inequalities, revealing how they are sustained and reproduced.

Bristol Uni Press

Hidden Voices

Lived Experiences in the Irish Welfare Space

Welfare states are a major feature of many societies. This book draws on qualitative interviews with people receiving various working age welfare payments in Ireland to analyse welfare conditionality and explore stigma, social reciprocity and the notions of the deserving and undeserving poor.

Policy Press