Policy Press

Social groups

Showing 349-360 of 554 items.

Grassroots Youth Work

Policy, Passion and Resistance in Practice

This engaging book paints a picture of passionate grassroots youth workers, at a time when their practice is threatened by spending cuts, target cultures and market imperatives. Using interviews, dialogue and research diary excerpts the author brings youth work practice and theory to life.

Policy Press

Reclaiming Feminism

Challenging Everyday Misogyny

Miriam David celebrates the achievements of international feminists as activists and scholars and provides a critique of the expansion of global higher education masking their pioneering zeal and zest for knowledge.

Policy Press

The Right to Buy?

Selling off public and social housing

In The Right to Buy, Alan Murie provides an authoritative account of the origins, development and impact of the policy across the UK and proposals for its extension in England (and decisions to end it in Scotland and Wales).

Policy Press

Veiled Threats

Representing the Muslim Woman in Public Policy Discourses

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence

Uses original scholarship and empirical research to examine how Muslim women are represented in social policy discourse and situated within national debates about Britishness, the death of multiculturalism and international terrorism.

Policy Press

Tactical Rape in War and Conflict

International Recognition and Response

This is the first book to analyse the use of rape as a tactic of war and international progress away from tacit acceptance to active rejection of this violation of international law. Including powerful testimonies of victims, it is a much-needed volume for academic and professional communities.

Policy Press

Cities for a Small Continent

International Handbook of City Recovery

Through varied case studies this original book compares changes between Northern and Southern European countries, bigger and smaller cities over 10 years, to present a compelling framework showing how Europe’s post-industrial cities are striving to combat environmental and social unravelling.

Policy Press

Beyond Successful and Active Ageing

A Theory of Model Ageing

This controversial book argues that concepts such as ‘successful’ and ‘active’ ageing are potentially dangerous paradigms that reflect and exacerbate inequalities in older populations. Essential reading for anyone seeking to make sense of social constructions of ageing in contemporary societies.

Policy Press

Social Work in a Diverse Society

Transformative Practice with Black and Minority Ethnic Individuals and Communities

Taking a transformative approach, this exciting new textbook bridges the gap between the theory and practice of social work with Black and minority ethnic groups. Practice scenarios and case studies encourage students and practitioners to form innovative solutions to service delivery.

Policy Press

The Well-Being of Children in the UK

This is the classic assessment of the state of child well-being in the UK. This fourth edition has been updated to review the latest evidence, including the impact of the economic crisis and austerity measures since 2008. An essential resource.

Policy Press

Understanding Youth in the Global Economic Crisis

Drawing on eight countries as case studies Professor Alan France tells the story of what impact the 2007 global crisis and the great recession that followed has had on our understandings of youth.

Policy Press

Affordable Housing in US Shrinking Cities

From Neighborhoods of Despair to Neighborhoods of Opportunity?

With almost one in ten post-industrial US cities shrinking in recent years, this book looks at the reasons for the failure (and success) of affordable housing experiences in these cities, stressing the importance of siting affordable housing in areas that ensure more equitable urban revitalisation.

Policy Press

Challenging the Myth of Gender Equality in Sweden

This is the first book to explode the myth of Swedish gender equality, offering both a new perspective for an international audience, and suggesting how equality might be re-thought more generally.

Policy Press