Policy Press


Showing 361-372 of 1,033 items.

Mental Health Social Work Reimagined

This much-needed book calls for a return to mental health social work that has personal relationships and an emotional connection between workers and those experiencing distress at its core.

Policy Press

Ethnicity and Old Age

Expanding our Imagination

By bringing attention to the way that ethnicity and race have been addressed in research on ageing and old age, with a focus on health inequalities, health and social care, intergenerational relationships and caregiving, this book proposes how research can be developed in an ethnicity astute and diversity informed manner.

Policy Press

Understanding 'Race' and Ethnicity

Theory, History, Policy, Practice

This new edition of a widely-respected textbook examines welfare policy and racism, alongside institutional racism and community cohesion within a broad policy framework.

Policy Press

Absolute Poverty in Europe

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on a Hidden Phenomenon

This book investigates different policy and civic responses to extreme poverty, ranging from food donations to penalisation and “social cleansing” of highly visible poor and how it is related to concerns of ethics, justice and human dignity.

Policy Press

Pride and Shame in Child and Family Social Work

Emotions and the Search for Humane Practice

In this book, researcher Matthew Gibson reviews the role of shame and pride in social work, providing invaluable new insights from the first study undertaken into the role of these emotions within professional practice.

Policy Press

50 Facts Everyone Should Know About Crime and Punishment in Britain

This exciting book presents 50 key facts related to crime and criminal justice policy in Britain. Offering thought-provoking insights into the study of crime, this fascinating “go to” book reveals the myths and realities of crime in contemporary Britain.

Policy Press

The Short Guide to Health and Social Care

This clear and succinct text offers a valuable introductory guide to health and social care, helping people who want to study or work in the field understand why these services matter, how they have developed and how they work.

Policy Press

Dealing with Welfare Conditionality

Implementation and Effects

Edited by Peter Dwyer

This edited collection considers how conditional welfare policies and services are implemented and experienced by a diverse range of welfare service users across a range of UK policy domains including social security, homelessness, migration and criminal justice.

Policy Press

A Criminology of Policing and Security Frontiers

Including novel case studies, this multi-disciplinary book assembles a rich collection of policing and security frontiers both geographical (e.g. the margins of cities) and conceptual (dispersion and credentialism) not seen or acknowledged previously, pushing criminology to the edge of its current understanding.

Bristol Uni Press

What Brexit Means for EU and UK Social Policy

With the UK’s decision to leave the EU as one of the greatest challenges in the EU’s history, this book seeks to understand the role played by social policy in the referendum campaign and withdrawal negotiations, and considers what Brexit means for social policy development both in the UK and across the EU.

Policy Press

Unaccompanied Young Migrants

Identity, Care and Justice

Exploring in depth the journeys migrant youth take through the UK legal and care systems, this book contributes new thinking, from a social justice perspective, on migration and human rights for policy, practice and future research.

Policy Press

Funding, Power and Community Development

This edited collection critically explores the funding arrangements governing contemporary community development and how they shape its theory and practice.

Policy Press