Policy Press


Showing 385-396 of 1,033 items.

Climate Change Criminology

Leading green criminologist Rob White asks what can be learned from the problem-solving focus of crime prevention to help face the challenges of climate change. Part of the New Horizons in Criminology series.

Bristol Uni Press

Child Sexual Abuse: Whose Problem?

Reflections from Cleveland (Revised Edition)

Re-issued with a new preface and concluding reflections and recommendations, this book provides an informed understanding of the Cleveland child abuse crisis of 1987 and draws links with current issues in child protection, such as historical and organised abuse.

Policy Press

Protecting Children

A Social Model

This book explores the policy and practice possibilities offered by a social model of child protection. Drawing on developments in mental health and disability studies, it examines the conceptual, political and practice implications of this new framework.

Policy Press

Social Experiences of Breastfeeding

Building Bridges between Research, Policy and Practice

This edited collection brings together international academics, policy makers and practitioners to examine the social and cultural contexts of breastfeeding and looks at how policy and practice can apply this to women’s experiences.

Policy Press

The New Dynamics of Ageing Volume 2

Edited by Alan Walker

A comprehensive multi-disciplinary overview of the very latest research on ageing, concentrating on four major themes: autonomy and independence in later life, biology and ageing, food and nutrition and representation of old age.

Policy Press

Social Policy First Hand

An International Introduction to Participatory Social Welfare

Social Policy First Hand is the first comprehensive international social policy text from a participatory perspective and presents a new service user-led social policy that addresses the current challenges in welfare provision.

Policy Press

Revisiting the 'Ideal Victim'

Developments in Critical Victimology

Edited by Marian Duggan

Nils Christie’s (1986) seminal work on the ‘Ideal Victim’ is reproduced in full in this edited collection of vibrant and provocative essays that respond to and update the concept from a range of thematic positions.

Policy Press

Social Policy Review 30

Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2018

This book examines critical debates in social policy, including discussions on modern slavery, welfare chauvinism and the Grenfell Tower fire, to offer an informed review of the best in social policy scholarship over the past year.

Policy Press

Social Work and Social Theory

Making Connections

This book imaginatively explores ways in which practitioners and social work educators might develop more critical and radical ways of theorising and working. It is an invaluable resource for students and contains features such as Reflection Boxes and Talk Boxes to encourage classroom and workplace discussions.

Policy Press

Family Group Conferences in Social Work

Involving Families in Social Care Decision Making

This insightful book discusses the origins and theoretical underpinnings of family led decision making and brings together the current research on the efficacy and limitations of family group conferences into a single text.

Policy Press

Ageing in Everyday Life

Materialities and Embodiments

Edited by Stephen Katz

What does it mean to age in an ageist society? Applying interdisciplinary perspectives about everyday life to vital issues in older people’s lives, this is a critical guide to inform thinking and planning our ageing futures.

Policy Press

Professional Health Regulation in the Public Interest

International Perspectives

Bringing together leading academics worldwide, this collection compares and critically examines the ways in which different countries are regulating healthcare in general, and health professions in particular, in the interest of users and the wider public.

Policy Press