Policy Press

Social work

Showing 277-288 of 328 items.

Health, well-being and social inclusion

Therapeutic horticulture in the UK

Growing interest in the social and therapeutic value of horticulture, has produced little evidence that demonstrates outcomes for vulnerable groups, including those with learning difficulties and mental health problems. This report addresses the gap in knowledge and presents the findings of the first study of horticulture projects across the UK.

Policy Press

Growing together

A practice guide to promoting social inclusion through gardening and horticulture

Until now little published work has focused on how horticulture and gardening can help to promote social inclusion for vulnerable groups. This guide looks at the ways in which social and therapeutic horticulture projects can help foster independence, build self esteem and provide training and employment opportunities for vulnerable groups.

Policy Press

Talking about care

Two sides to the story

This book offers a new approach to scrutinising the co-existence of both care and abuse in relationships. Discourse analysis is introduced as a method of investigating relationships, policy and literature in informal care and analytic tools are considered alongside case-studies to illustrate how both parties construct their relationship.

Policy Press

Making community participation meaningful

A handbook for development and assessment

Community participation is now demanded of virtually all public sector services and programmes. This handbook provides practitioners, community activists, regeneration managers, teachers and academics with the tools needed to ensure that it is effective.

Policy Press

What works in assessing community participation?

A document of the results of road-testing two frameworks for assessing community participation: Active partners: Benchmarking community involvement in regeneration (Yorkshire Forward, 2000) and Auditing community participation: An assessment handbook (The Policy Press, 2000).

Policy Press

Enduring change: The experience of the Community Links Social Enterprise Zone

Lessons learnt and next steps

'Regeneration', 'mainstreaming', 'community involvement', 'evidence-based policy', 'public service reform' - terms central to the government's policy programme for tackling social deprivation. This report describes how an East London community organisation has worked to give these terms practical meaning through its Social Enterprise Zone project.

Policy Press

Social work and Irish people in Britain

Historical and contemporary responses to Irish children and families

Dominant social work and social care discourses on 'race' and ethnicity often fail to incorporate an Irish dimension. This book challenges this omission and provides new insights into how social work has engaged with Irish children and their families, historically and to the present day.

Policy Press

A new deal for children?

Re-forming education and care in England, Scotland and Sweden

Important reforms are taking place in children's services in the UK, with a move towards greater integration. In England, Scotland and Sweden, early childhood education and care, childcare for older children, and schools are now the responsibility of education departments. This book is the first to examine this major shift in policy.

Policy Press

The health and social care divide

The experiences of older people

Improving partnership working between health and social care agencies has recently gained increased impetus as a result of New Labour's commitment to joined-up government. This book provides a detailed but accessible introduction to policy and practice at the interface between health and social care.

Policy Press

Living with risk

Mental health service user involvement in risk assessment and management

This report explores risk assessment and risk management for people being discharged from psychiatric hospital. It breaks new ground by asking service users about their views and experiences. It also includes information about the harm that service users experienced and explores the perspectives of mental health workers, relatives and friends.

Policy Press


Personal lives and social policy

Edited by Janet Fink

This book considers how normative assumptions about the meanings, practices and relationships of care are embedded in our everyday lives. It explores ways in which these shape our sense of self and the nature of our relations. It also examines how social policy and welfare practices construct relations and give or deny them meaning and validity.

Policy Press

'It pays dividends'

Direct payments and older people

Drawing on interviews with older people, local authority care managers and direct payments support service workers, this topical report looks at how older people use direct payments and how they make them work.

Policy Press