Policy Press

Call for Special Issue/ Themed Section Proposals

Call for Special Issue/Themed Section Proposals for Emotions and Society

Deadline for proposals: 1 February 2021 (for November 2022 issue)

Potential special issue editors are requested to send a short proposal (no more than 1500 words) describing the scope of the proposed theme; the papers that it would contain; and an approximate timetable. It should be clear how the special issue to this particular theme fits with the aims and scope of Emotions and Society (https://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/journals/emotions-and-society/about). We are looking for a strong analytical and theoretical coherence to the issue or section. All papers will be subject to the normal double anonymous peer review process. For further information please see the Emotions and Society special issue policy on the website.

Proposals should be sent electronically to the Emotions and Society Editors in Chief: 
Mary Holmes, mary.holmes@ed.ac.uk and Åsa Wettergren, asa.wettergren@socav.gu.se.