Policy Press

Call for research articles

Be amongst the first to publish in EJPG and submit your manuscript!

EJPG is the flagship journal of the European Conference on Politics and Gender. It is a peer-reviewed, subscription-based, and cutting-edge journal, published by Bristol University Press. See the EJPG Aims & Scope and Editorial Board.

EJPG welcomes submissions for Research Articles (up to 8000 words in length) in all subfields of gender and politics. EJPG is an inclusive journal that does not prioritize a single approach to the study of politics and gender. It defines Politics and Gender as a broad sub-discipline. It values diverse thematic foci, is global in its geographic coverage, and respects methodological and epistemological pluralism. Theoretical pieces and empirical analyses are equally welcomed. Empirical contributions may be single-country case studies or cross-national comparative work, large or small, and employing a range of methodological approaches and research designs.

The core criteria for acceptance for publication in EJPG are innovation and academic rigour. Eligible articles should have something new to say, even when they address ‘traditional’ questions. Contributions should have a clear ‘take home message’, for example, extending the research agenda through identifying new research questions; adding nuance to extant understandings of, or approaches to, particular topics, issues, or problems; and by developing conceptual frameworks, or bringing new empirical insights that advance analysis in new theoretical or empirical directions.

The first two issues will be published together in July 2018; the first non-commissioned pieces will be published from 2019. EJPG will be available in hard-copy, as well as online. We will seek ranking in the Political Science, International Relations, and Women’s Studies categories of SSCI at the earliest opportunity.

Please read our instructions for authors and submit your manuscript via the EJPG Editorial Manager submission system.

For questions and pre-submission enquiries, please contact the editorial team at: ejpgeditors@gmail.com.