Policy Press

Sue Scott

Sue Scott is a sociologist by background with research interests primarily in gender and sexuality. She has held professorships at four UK universities. She has also held several university senior leadership positions. She was President of the British Sociological Association from 2007-2009 and President of the European Sociological Association from 2017-19. She is a Visiting Professor at Newcastle University, UK and at the University of Helsinki, Finland. She has been a research consultant to a number of UK and European universities and organisations and acts as a mentor in relation to academic leadership. She has served on the editorial boards of several journals. She founded the online social science magazine Discover Society and was one of its Managing Editors from 2013-2021. 

Find a list of Sue's publications on her Newcastle University profile.

Sue Scott

Why should you publish in Global Social Challenges Journal?

"All those involved in Global Social Challenges Journal are committed to publishing important and innovative research and ideas across a wide range of both established and developing fields. Bristol University Press is a ‘not for profit’ press with a commitment to diversity, enriching academic and public debate and to supporting those whose ideas might not otherwise be widely available. If you write for us, you will be in excellent company and part of what will be an increasingly important conversation."

Sue Scott, Co-Editor of Global Social Challenges Journal

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