Policy Press

Making Liveable Worlds

Revisiting Reflexivity as Value and Practice

Edited by Sarah R. Davies, Andrea Schikowitz, Fredy Mora Gámez, Elaine Goldberg, Esther Dessewffy, Bao-Chau Pham, Ariadne Avkıran and Kathleen Gregory


Jun 1, 2025

Page count

272 pages

Browse the series

Dis-positions: Troubling Methods and Theory in STS




234 x 156 mm


Bristol University Press


Jun 1, 2025

Page count

272 pages

Browse the series

Dis-positions: Troubling Methods and Theory in STS




234 x 156 mm


Bristol University Press


1. Introduction – Sarah R. Davies, Andrea Schikowitz, Fredy Mora Gámez, Elaine Goldberg

2. Navigating: A user's guide to 'Revisiting Reflexivity' - Sarah R. Davies, Andrea Schikowitz, Fredy Mora Gámez, Elaine Goldberg

3. Automatic reply:

Another University is Possible – Jane Calvert, Reuben Message, Rob Smith


4. Learning to Affect and to be Affected: Articulating Self and World in Qualitative Research – Michael Penkler

5. Response to chapter 4: Becoming Instrument - Joshua D. Evans

6. Care Embodied: Speaking from a Nonbinary, Crip, Menstrual Body – marissa micah schut

7. Response to chapter 6: Movement, rest, bodyminds - Ekat Osipova

8. Epistemic erasure in participatory research: Embodying transdisciplinary moments as spaces of in-betweenness - Dimas D. Laksmana

9. Reflexive Collaborations in the Making of More Liveable Worlds Beyond Academia - Camilo Castillo

10. Reflecting on Discomfort: Fieldwork with Vaccine-Hesitant Participants During the Covid-19 Pandemic - Barbara Morsello


11. Outrageously Open: Co-inhabiting and Expanding Knowledge-making Spaces Through Somatic, Arts-based Methods – Ewa Łączkowska

12. Response to chapter 11: an invitation to who? - Maria Vlachou

13. The Third Space Walk: An experimental approach to understanding urban space between the analog and digital - Mirjana Mitroviƈ

14. From Model Organism to Companion Species: A Laboratory Guide to Feminist Reflexivity in Experimental Biology Research – Lisa Weasel

15. An Invitation to Help Redecorate a Corner of Discursive Space - Erika Szymanski

16. Contemplations - A Perspective on Reflexivity through the Windows of Artistic Research - Ruth Anderwald and Leonhard Grond

17. Response to chapter 16: Reflexivity in artistic research and social anthropology - Sanderien Verstappen


18. On institutions and institutionalising - Andrea Schikowitz, Sarah R. Davies, Elaine Goldberg, and Fredy Mora Gámez

19. Projected Reflexivity: Learnins from two reflexive projects from within, with within and for within – Karen Karstenhofer, Doris Allhutter

20. Reflexivity in Co-Evaluation: from challenges to principles of participatory research evaluation - Katja Mayer

21. Situating Reflexivity: Coming home to STS - Nikolaus Pöchhacker and Sarah Schönbauer

22. Reflexivity: Avoid it like the plague? - Annie Patrick

23. A Better Place for STS? The Art Studio as Heterotopia - Elaine Goldberg

24. Why Bogotá? The Local, the Global and the Interesting, Reflexively, or, STS - Here and There - Malcolm Ashmore and Olga Restrepo Forero


25. Aesthetics and reflexivity - Mike Michael and Alex Wilkie

26. Is Reflexivity Dead? - Steve Woolgar and Malcolm Ashmore

27. Post-reflexivity: whose worlds are more liveable now - Fredy Mora Gámez, Elaine

Goldberg, Sarah R Davies,

and Andrea Schikowitz

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