Policy Press

POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Social Services & Welfare

Showing 61-72 of 220 items.

Civil Society in an Age of Uncertainty

Institutions, Governance and Existential Challenges

This book explores how the uncertainties of the 21st century present existential challenges to civil society. Presenting original empirical findings, it highlights transferable lessons that will inform policy and practice in today’s age of uncertainty.

Policy Press

A Year Like No Other

Life on a Low Income during COVID-19

Telling the stories of low-income families, this book exposes the ways that pre-existing inequalities, insecurities and hardships were amplified during the pandemic in the UK and offers key policy recommendations for change.

Policy Press

Challenges in Mental Health and Policing

Key Themes and Perspectives

Police officers deal with mental illness-related incidents on an almost daily basis. Ian Cummins explores the policy failures that have led to this situation, and considers how the individuals in police officers’ care should be supported by community mental health agencies.

Policy Press

The Origins of Social Care and Social Work

Creating a Global Future

Acknowledging the religious influences in social work’s roots, Mark Henrickson proposes that it need not be constrained by it. Addressing current debates in international social work about the relevance of different perspectives, this book will allow practitioners and scholars to create a global future of social work.

Policy Press

Safeguarding Adults Online

Perspectives on Rights to Participation

This volume fills an overlooked gap in adult safeguarding - the digital arena - in providing a comprehensive and accessible analysis of best practice in safeguarding vulnerable adults online.

Policy Press

Compulsory Income Management in Australia and New Zealand

More Harm than Good?

Drawing on first-hand accounts from those living under the systems, this novel study explores the impact of Australia and New Zealand’s income management policies and asks whether they have caused more harm than good.

Policy Press

COVID-19 Collaborations

Researching Poverty and Low-Income Family Life during the Pandemic

This book synthesises the challenges of researching everyday life for families on low incomes during the COVID-19 pandemic to improve future policy and practice.

Policy Press

Public Service Motivation?

Rethinking What Motivates Public Actors

Christopher O’Leary provides a fresh perspective on prosocial working choices in this first substantive critique of Public Service Motivation. The book reviews concepts of PSM and research to date and explores the rationales and aims of public and third sector workers before proposing alternative theories for people’s motivations to serve.

Policy Press

Understanding Mental Distress

Knowledge, Practice and Neoliberal Reform in Community Mental Health Services

This timely analysis sets out the full impacts of policy reform, austerity and marketisation on our country’s mental health services. Rooted in the experiences of service users and providers, it provides valuable perspectives on our evolving practical and organisational responses to mental distress.

Policy Press

Hidden Voices

Lived Experiences in the Irish Welfare Space

Welfare states are a major feature of many societies. This book draws on qualitative interviews with people receiving various working age welfare payments in Ireland to analyse welfare conditionality and explore stigma, social reciprocity and the notions of the deserving and undeserving poor.

Policy Press

The Failure of Child Support

Gendered Systems of Inaccessibility, Inaction and Irresponsibility

Drawing on interviews with key international informants across 16 countries, this book examines how child support systems often fail to transfer payments from separated fathers to mothers and their children. It identifies how the gender order is entrenched through child support failure and offers possibilities for feminist reform.

Policy Press

Critical Gerontology for Social Workers

This original collection explores how critical gerontology can make sense of old age inequalities to inform social work research, policy and practice. Engaging with key debates on age-related human rights, the conceptual focus addresses the current challenges and opportunities facing those who work with older people.

Policy Press