Policy Press

Politics and International Relations - Shorts

Showing 25-35 of 35 items.

Dimensions of Impact in the Social Sciences

The Case of Social Policy, Sociology and Political Science Research

This concise, informative book analyses impact across the social sciences. Drawing on fifteen interviews with senior academics for a longitudinal view, the author sets out valuable recommendations of how and when scholars can achieve impact.

Policy Press

Justice in the Digital State

Assessing the Next Revolution in Administrative Justice

Exploring how justice is delivered at a time of rapid technological transformation, Justice in the Digital State exposes urgent issues surrounding the modernisation of courts and tribunals. This cutting-edge research offers an authoritative and much-needed guide for navigating through the challenges of digital disruption.

Policy Press

What Brexit Means for EU and UK Social Policy

With the UK’s decision to leave the EU as one of the greatest challenges in the EU’s history, this book seeks to understand the role played by social policy in the referendum campaign and withdrawal negotiations, and considers what Brexit means for social policy development both in the UK and across the EU.

Policy Press

Bordering Two Unions

Northern Ireland and Brexit

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This thorough analysis draws upon EU, UK, Irish and international law and sets the scene for a post-Brexit Northern Ireland by showing what the future might hold.

Policy Press

Repealing the 8th

Reforming Irish Abortion Law

Irish law only currently allows for abortion where the life of the pregnant woman is at risk. A constitutional referendum will be held in 2018 to liberalise abortion law. This book offers practical proposals for policymakers and advocates, including model legislation, making it an essential campaigning tool leading up to the referendum.

Policy Press

American Tianxia

Chinese Money, American Power and the End of History

After a meteoric rise, China's growth has come to a screeching halt. Salvatore Babones provides an up-to-date assessment of how China's economic problems are undermining its challenge to the Western-dominated world order. He tells how liberal individualism has become the leitmotif of American Tianxia.

Policy Press

Who Stole the Town Hall?

The End of Local Government as We Know It

Arguing that the UK Government intends to privatise all local services through its devolution agenda, Peter Latham proposes a new basis for federal, regional and local democracy, including land value taxation and a wealth tax.

Policy Press

Beyond Brexit?

How to Assess the UK’s Future

Takes a long term view on the range of institutional and operational options available to the UK, EU and other international institutions seeking to influence Brexit negotiations and outcomes.

Policy Press

Demystifying Evaluation

Practical Approaches for Researchers and Users

Demystifying evaluation is an accessible introductory guide explaining the options open to evaluators and how to make appropriate choices of research methods and covering issues such as managing expectations of evaluation, quantitative and qualitative methods, engaging stakeholders and providing action-orientated approaches to help end-users.

Policy Press

What’s Wrong with Social Security Benefits?

This provocative short book is a valuable introduction to social security in Britain and the potential for its reform.

Policy Press

Sixteen for '16

A Progressive Agenda for a Better America

Sixteen for '16 offers a new agenda for the 2016 US election crafted around sixteen core principles from securing jobs to saving the Earth.

It is a manifesto which makes the argument for each of these positions, clearly, concisely, and supported by hard data. Its progressive agenda charts a realistic path toward a better tomorrow.

Policy Press