Policy Press

Politics and International Relations - Research

Showing 1-12 of 332 items.

The British Immigration Courts

A study of law and politics

Edited by Max Travers
Policy Press

Reviving local democracy

New Labour, new politics?

This book offers a vivid and persuasive critical examination of New Labour's programme for the modernisation of local government, providing a balanced view of the democracy and participation debate. It draws on a wide range of new survey data to relate the crisis of local politics and governance to wider changes in the political culture.

Policy Press

Public policy for the 21st century

Social and economic essays in memory of Henry Neuburger

Edited by Neil Fraser and John Hills

This book draws together a collection of lively and authoritative essays on the future of public policy by distinguished academics in the field. Compiled in memory of Henry Neuburger, a leading economic analyst and adviser, the essays together form an excellent introduction to key issues in contemporary policy making.

Policy Press

Partnership working

Policy and practice

This book analyses experiences of partnerships in different policy fields, identifying theoretical and practical impediments to making partnership work and evaluating the implications for those involved. It also addresses other key forms of collaboration between voluntary, private and statutory sectors, service users and community groups.

Policy Press

The politics of evaluation

Participation and policy implementation

The widespread popularity of evaluation is based on the need to provide evidence of the effectiveness of policies and programmes. This book sees evaluation as an inherently political activity, and using a wide range of examples it relates practical issues in evaluation design to their political contexts.

Policy Press

The glass consumer

Life in a surveillance society

Edited by Susanne Lace

We are all 'glass consumers'. Organisations know so much about us, they can almost see through us. This book takes the debate beyond privacy issues, arguing that we are living in a world in which - more than ever before - our personal information defines our opportunities in life.

Policy Press

Changing Scotland

Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey

Changing Scotland uses longitudinal data from the British Household Panel Survey to improve our knowledge and understanding of the impact of devolution on the lives of people in Scotland. It is the first time that BHPS data has been used in this way.

Policy Press

The European Challenge

Innovation, Policy Learning and Social Cohesion in the New Knowledge Economy

Economic and social change is accelerating under the twin impact of globalisation and the new information technologies. This book addresses questions of change with particular reference to the European Union, which has made the development of a socially cohesive, knowledge-based economy its central task for the present decade.

Policy Press

Remaking governance

Peoples, politics and the public sphere

Edited by Janet Newman

There has been an explosion of new forms of governance as societies adapt to economic, social and political change. This book highlights the dynamics of the social, cultural and institutional practices involved in 'remaking' governance. It is structured around three key themes: the remaking of peoples, publics and politics.

Policy Press

The changing role of local politics in Britain

The Local Government Act 2000 has transformed the way in which local politics operates. Local councillors have had to adjust to the introduction of elected mayors, cabinet government and scrutiny committees, and cope with a range of new initiatives. This book is a unique attempt to provide a coherent analysis of the impact of these changes.

Policy Press

Citizens at the centre

Deliberative participation in healthcare decisions

Involving citizens in policy decision-making has been a central goal of the Labour government since it came to power. But what happens when the public are drawn into debate with unfamiliar others in the unknown world of policy making at national level? This book sets out to understand the contribution that citizens can realistically make.

Policy Press

Power, participation and political renewal

Case studies in public participation

This book offers a critical examination of both the discourse and practice of participation in order to understand the significance of this explosion in participatory forums, and the extent to which such practices represent a fundamental change in governance.

Policy Press