Policy Press

Poverty and Inequality

Showing 121-132 of 185 items.

Hungry Britain

The Rise of Food Charity

Drawing on empirical research with the UK’s two largest Food Banks, this book explores the prolific rise of food charity over the last 15 years and its implications for overcoming food insecurity.

Policy Press

Hunger, Whiteness and Religion in Neoliberal Britain

An Inequality of Power

Exploring why food aid exists and the deeper causes of food poverty, this book addresses neglected dimensions of traditional debates. It challenges neoliberal governmentality and shows how food charity maintains inequalities of class, race, religion and gender.

Policy Press

Hunger Pains

Life inside Foodbank Britain

We know the statistics, but what does it feel like to be forced to turn to foodbanks for help? What does it take to get emergency food, and what's in the food parcel? This is a powerful insight into the harsh reality of foodbank use from the inside.

Policy Press

How Inequality Runs in Families

Unfair Advantage and the Limits of Social Mobility

In the UK, as in other rich countries, the ‘playing-field’ is anything but level and the family plays a surprisingly crucial part in maintaining inequality. This book explores how seemingly mundane aspects of family life raise fundamental questions of social justice and calls for a rethink of what equality of opportunity means.

Policy Press

Household spending in Britain

What can it teach us about poverty?

Much of the recent policy debate surrounding poverty in Britain focuses on income as a measure of living standards. In this report we consider one alternative to income for measuring poverty that has been largely overlooked in the mainstream poverty debate in the UK: namely household expenditure. Free PDF version available at www.jrf.org.uk

Policy Press


Exploring the new terrain

Analysis that links the phenomenon of homelessness to wider debates about the changing social and economic environment remains relatively underdeveloped. This important book brings together contemporary debates and empirical research in order to explore the nature, experience and impact of social change in the context of risks and uncertainties.

Policy Press

Health in Hard Times

Austerity and Health Inequalities

Edited by Clare Bambra

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book is a vital review of the impact of austerity on the wellbeing of the UK. Case studies from Stockton-on-Tees, home to some of the starkest health divides, are combined with a review of the repercussions of budget cuts and welfare reforms to show the vast inequalities in health in the UK today.

Policy Press

Health in a Post-COVID World

Lessons from the Crisis of Western Liberalism

At a time of global ‘permacrisis’, Sebastian Taylor applies his extensive frontline experience working with health systems and healthcare in the Global North and South to assess the concrete impact of contemporary liberal values on our welfare, development and environmental survival.

Policy Press

Good Times, Bad Times

The Welfare Myth of Them and Us

This revised edition uses extensive updated research and survey evidence to challenge the view of 'skivers versus strivers', showing how much our lives vary not just as we age, but from week-to-week and year-to-year.

Policy Press

Global Gentrifications

Uneven Development and Displacement

This comprehensive book uses a rich array of case studies from cities in Asia, Latin America, Africa, Southern Europe, and beyond to highlight the intensifying global struggle over urban space and underline gentrification as a growing and important battleground in the contemporary world.

Policy Press

Global Child Poverty and Well-Being

Measurement, Concepts, Policy and Action

This book brings together theoretical, methodological and policy-relevant contributions by leading researchers on international child poverty. 

Policy Press

Global Agenda for Social Justice

Volume One

The Global Agenda for Social Justice provides accessible insights into some of the world’s most pressing social problems and proposes international public policy responses to those problems. Chapters examine topics such as criminal justice, media concerns, environmental problems, economic problems, and issues concerning sexualities and gender.

Policy Press