Policy Press

Public and Non-profit Management

Showing 1-12 of 29 items.

Working in Teams

A practical and accessible guide for students focussing on how inter-agency teams may be made to function more effectively, illustrated through real-life examples.

Policy Press

Understanding Public Services

A Contemporary Introduction

Dive inside this textbook for an accessible guide to the discipline of public services; explore core public service topics and understand the fundamental elements of working in the public services.

Policy Press

Street-Level Bureaucracy in Weak State Institutions

In this book, street-level bureaucracy scholars from South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America analyse the conditions that shape frontline work and citizens´ everyday experience of the state.

Policy Press

Public Management in Transition

The Orchestration of Potentiality

Shows how the effects of new forms of managerialism penetrate the state, local governments, welfare institutions as well as professional work and citizens rights. It facilitates a discussion about how basic values are put at stake with new reforms and managerial tools.

Policy Press


Machines of possibility

How did partnerships come to emerge almost everywhere and at almost the same time? What is the inner logic of partnerships? And at what point does that logic begin to break down? This book improves our understanding of the shifting ground on which partnerships and agreements must be reached in today's hyper-complex society.

Policy Press

Organising for Change

Social Change Makers and Social Change Organisations

Based on decades of research, this book explores global social change processes through the concepts of social change organisations (SCOs) and social change makers (SCMs) – the individuals working within and alongside SCOs.

Bristol Uni Press

Organisational innovation in health services

Lessons from the NHS Treatment Centres

A highly readable account of how and why NHS treatment centres evolved with practical lessons based on case study research.

Policy Press

The New Technocracy

Setting a new benchmark for studies of technocracy, this book shows that a solution to the challenge of populism will depend as much on a technocratic retreat as democratic innovation.

Bristol Uni Press

The new bureaucracy

Quality assurance and its critics

This study, by a qualitative sociologist, uses interpretive methods to examine the impact of auditing and inspection on professional work in schools, hospitals, local government and the police and provides a true sense of what is practically involved in the work of counting, measuring and managing quality.

Policy Press

Migration, Crisis and Temporality at the Zimbabwe–South Africa Border

Governing Immobilities

This insightful book explores the governance of immobilities and temporality in African migration. It shares lessons from the experiences of Zimbabwean migrants fleeing economic crisis to the South African town of Musina and asks what the work of state and non-state actors there tell us about the management of immobile people and places.

Bristol Uni Press

Middle Managers as Agents of Collaboration

This important book examines the role, behaviours and management practices of middle managers operating within the context of collaboration and sets out the implications of this research for policy and practice, offering practical recommendations to policy makers and managers working in this area.

Policy Press

Micro-Enterprise and Personalisation

What Size Is Good Care?

What size is 'just right' for a care provider? This book explores size as an independent variable in care services, comparing outcomes and value for money across micro, small, medium and large organisations.

Policy Press