Policy Press

Public Policy and Administration

Showing 61-72 of 154 items.

Leading Public Sector Innovation (Second Edition)

Co-creating for a Better Society

Thoroughly revised to take account of the latest literature and international developments in the field. Drawing on global research and practical examples, Bason illustrates the key triggers and practices of public sector innovation.

Policy Press

Leading the Inclusive City

Place-Based Innovation for a Bounded Planet

This engaging book argues that imaginative place-based leadership can enable citizens to shape the urban future while advancing social justice, promoting care for the environment and bolstering community empowerment.

Policy Press

Localism and Neighbourhood Planning

Power to the People?

A critical analysis of neighbourhood planning. Setting empirical evidence from the UK against international examples, the Editors engage in broader debates on the purposes of planning and the devolution of power to localities.

Policy Press

Making policy in theory and practice

Edited by Hugh Bochel and Sue Duncan

Set in the context of New Labour's emphasis on 'modernisation', and reflecting the growing emphasis on policy making as a skill, this unique book combines both academic and practitioner perspectives to provide critical consideration of contemporary policy-making and highlight examples of good practice at all levels of government.

Policy Press

Middle Managers as Agents of Collaboration

This important book examines the role, behaviours and management practices of middle managers operating within the context of collaboration and sets out the implications of this research for policy and practice, offering practical recommendations to policy makers and managers working in this area.

Policy Press

Modernising the welfare state

The Blair legacy

Edited by Martin Powell

This book, the third in Martin Powell's New Labour trilogy, analyses the legacy of Tony Blair's government for social policy, focusing on the extent to which it has changed the UK welfare state.

Policy Press

Morality and Public Policy

Spanning religion, moral philosophy and scientific understanding of the human conditions, this unique book adds to the latest thinking on morality, proposing ways to enhance the capacity of public policy to respond to morality and associated shifts in social mores in different cultural settings.

Policy Press

Moving pictures

Realities of voluntary action

This book will improve understanding of how voluntary organisations are structured and evolve, and how they respond to opportunities and constraints. Drawing on case studies with eight UK organisations, it addresses the key dilemmas of voluntary action and explores how these are experienced and managed within particular organisations.

Policy Press

The new bureaucracy

Quality assurance and its critics

This study, by a qualitative sociologist, uses interpretive methods to examine the impact of auditing and inspection on professional work in schools, hospitals, local government and the police and provides a true sense of what is practically involved in the work of counting, measuring and managing quality.

Policy Press

New Developments in Urban Governance

Rethinking Collaboration in the Age of Austerity

Presenting the findings of a major Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) project into urban austerity governance in eight cities across the world, this book offers comparative reflections on the myriad experiences of collaborative governance and its limitations.

Bristol Uni Press

New Philanthropy and Social Justice

Debating the Conceptual and Policy Discourse

Explores the politics and ideology behind a new form of philanthropy whereby wealthy capitalists and private corporations establish initiatives to reduce poverty, disease and food security. Is this new philanthropy just a sticking plaster without long-term results as it fails to tackle inequality?

Policy Press

The New Technocracy

Setting a new benchmark for studies of technocracy, this book shows that a solution to the challenge of populism will depend as much on a technocratic retreat as democratic innovation.

Bristol Uni Press