Policy Press
Showing 337-348 of 2,466 items.

Genetic Science and New Digital Technologies

Science and Technology Studies and Health Praxis

Edited by Tina Sikka

Drawing from a range of disciplines and case studies, this volume examines the latest health and genetic technologies, explores the representation, communication, and internalization of health knowledge and reveals the economic and cultural inequalities that result from these technologies.

Bristol Uni Press

Theorising Justice

A Primer for Social Scientists

Justice is becoming increasingly important to climate change and economic development discussions. This book combines justice theories with their applications in policy and practice, to address the social, political, economic and ecological challenges we face today.

Bristol Uni Press

The German Migration Integration Regime

Syrian Refugees, Bureaucracy, and Inclusion

Giving voice to the experiences of Syrian refuges who sought asylum in Germany, this ethnography puts a spotlight on how the binary notions of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ refugees produced by the regime strained the relationship between refugees and the state, revealing the inconsistencies and failings of a universal approach to integration.

Bristol Uni Press

Exploring New Temporal Horizons

A Conversation between Memories and Futures

This pioneering work explores how in our digital age of connectivity, temporal acceleration and real-time simultaneity impact personal and institutional experience. Bringing memory and future studies into a unique dialogue, the book offers an intervention to the current ‘temporal crisis’ of social life and sociological debates.

Bristol Uni Press

What Is Public Trust in the Health System?

Insights into Health Data Use

This important book uses empirical evidence to explore the concept of public trust in health systems.

In doing so, it provides a comprehensive contemporary explanation of public trust, how it affects health systems and how it can be nurtured and maintained as an integral component of health system governance.

Policy Press

Private Renting in the Advanced Economies

Growth and Change in a Financialised World

Edited by Peter A. Kemp

This edited collection analyses recent changes in the private rental housing market, using case studies from the UK, Europe, Australia and the USA, and assesses the initial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Policy Press

Covert Violence

The Secret Weapon of the Powerless

Covert violence occurs in all social institutions and this compelling, much-needed book is for all those who seek to understand—and strive to prevent—violence in society. This book takes a new and engaging focus on the perpetrators of surreptitious violence on unsuspecting victims.

Bristol Uni Press

The Escape from Poverty

Breaking the Vicious Cycles Perpetuating Disadvantage

The perpetuation of poverty across generations damages lives. Drawing on a wide variety of sources and academic disciplines, along with lived experiences, this book examines why poverty is continued across generations and what needs to be done to eradicate it.

Policy Press

Secrets and Silence

Uncovering the Legacy of the Cleveland Child Sexual Abuse Case

The Cleveland child sexual abuse scandal was not the scandal we thought. Beatrix Campbell shows how medical evidence of childhood rape identified by pioneering paediatricians was deemed credible but ‘dangerous’. This secret has framed policy making and public opinion and has had consequences for children, professionals, justice and the state.

Policy Press

Gendering Green Criminology

The first volume in green criminology devoted to gender, this book investigates gendered patterns to offending, victimisation and environmental harms. The collection advances debate on green crimes and climate change and will inspire students and researchers to foreground gender in reducing the challenges affecting our planet’s future.

Bristol Uni Press

What Are Animal Rights For?

How should we treat animals? The field of animal rights raises pressing questions about how humans treat the other animals as livestock farming exerts an increasing toll on the planet, and we learn more about their capacity to think and experience pain. This book shows what the world might look like if animals had greater rights.

Bristol Uni Press

Reproduction, Kin and Climate Crisis

Making Bushfire Babies

Exploring the impact of climate change and the pandemic on people’s decisions to form families and their experience of having children, this book makes a valuable contribution to debates on contemporary planetary crises.

Bristol Uni Press