Policy Press
Showing 325-336 of 2,466 items.

Children, Childhoods and Global Politics

Written by an international list of contributors, this book presents highly nuanced accounts of children and childhoods across global political time. The analysis demonstrates how international relations is quite deeply invested in a particular rendering of childhood as, primarily, a time of innocence, vulnerability and incapacity.

Bristol Uni Press

Raising the Nation

How to Build a Better Future for Our Children (and Everyone Else)

Setting out big public policy ideas, enhanced by contributions from academic and campaigning experts, as well as those with lived experience, Raising the Nation shows why we must prioritise child-centred policies to ensure the future strength of our communities, environment and economy.

Policy Press

A Science of Otherness?

Rereading the History of Western and US Criminological Thought

This book presents a critical history of criminological thought from the Enlightenment to the present day. Mehozay contends that Western criminological approaches are based upon ‘otherness’ which validate projects of control and exclusion, modernization and care, and even eugenics.

Bristol Uni Press

Women and Welfare Conditionality

Lived Experiences of Benefit Sanctions, Work and Welfare

Drawing on a wealth of qualitative longitudinal evidence, this book casts light on women’s lived experiences of welfare and work. It uncovers the hidden gendered bias of conditional welfare reforms to challenge dominant political discourses, policy design and practice norms.

Policy Press

Inter-Organizational Relations and World Order

Re-Pluralizing the Debate

Bringing together a team of experts, this volume sheds new light on inter-organizational relations in world politics. It demonstrates that, just as inter-organizations relations themselves are diverse and complex, research on this topic should also be pluralistic in order to draw new and valuable results and insights.

Bristol Uni Press

The NHS at 75

The State of UK Health Policy

In its 75th anniversary year, this book examines the history, evolution and future of the NHS. With contributions from leading researchers and experts across a range of fields, it provides a long-term critical review of the NHS and key themes in health policy.

Policy Press

Food Politics, Activism and Alternative Consumer Cooperatives

Using the example of Turkey, where neoliberal economics combined with authoritarian politics formed conditions that have profound social consequences, this book investigates Alternative Consumer Cooperatives (ACCs) as spaces for prefigurative food politics.

Bristol Uni Press

Sexual History Evidence And The Rape Trial

Adopting a critical multidisciplinary perspective underpinned by feminist theory, this accessible book mounts an important interrogation into the use of a victim’s sexual history as evidence in rape trials.

Bristol Uni Press

Co-operation and Co-operatives in 21st-Century Europe

This volume offers an important vision of co-operation as an alternative to the neoliberal market, exploring the cooperative model’s potential for driving environmental and socio-economic transformation in the post-COVID world.

Bristol Uni Press

Varieties of Precarity

Melting Labour and the Failure to Protect Workers in the Korean Welfare State

Based on in-depth interviews with over 80 precarious workers in Korea, this book introduces the concept of ‘melting labour’ and provides a real depiction of how workers lose control over their lives and experience precariousness in labour markets.

Policy Press

White Minds

Everyday Performance, Violence and Resistance

In this powerful book, Kinouani uniquely examines the psychological and psychic factors involved in the reproduction of ‘whiteness’ and reveals how these intersect with race dynamics, race inequality and racial violence.

Policy Press