Search results for "ageing"

Policy Press

Results for “ageing”

Showing 97-101 of 101 items.

Family policy matters

Responding to family change in Europe

This book explores the complex relationship between family change and public policy responses in EU member states and candidate countries. It combines broad-brush scrutiny of demographic trends, policy contexts and debates in contemporary European societies with a fine-grain analysis of the attitudes, perceptions and experiences of families.

Policy Press

Social Policy Review 15

UK and international perspectives

Social Policy Review 15 continues the tradition of providing a different style and approach to policy issues from that found in most academic journals and books. This volume combines issues such as globalization, Europe and pensions with examination of the current and historical contexts of social policy.

Policy Press

Comparing social policies

Exploring new perspectives in Britain and Japan

Edited by Misa Izuhara

This book provides a rich background to the development of post-war social policy in Britain and Japan. Ageing, domestic violence, housing, homelessness, and health are chosen for analysis, each exploring its development process of policy and practices, current issues, and future directions.

Policy Press

New policies for older workers

Against a background of population ageing, policy makers in the majority of industrialised countries are developing policies aimed at extending working life and promoting the benefits of employing older workers. This report reviews developments in several countries and offers recommendations for public policy.

Policy Press

What future for social security?

Debates and reforms in national and cross-national perspective

It is widely assumed today that the 'welfare state' is contracting or retrenching as an effect of the close scrutiny to which entitlement to social security benefits is being subject in most developed countries. In this book, fifteen authorities from nine different countries investigate to what extent this assumption is warranted.

Policy Press