Policy Press
Showing 73-84 of 2,457 items.

Family-friendly working?

Putting policy into practice

In responding to the needs of working parents and employers, the Government has introduced legislation which encourages family-friendly initiatives to be determined jointly and voluntarily between employers and employees. Focusing on the key sector of financial services, Family-friendly working? reviews how companies are handling this process..

Policy Press

Communication and health in a multi-ethnic society

This book provides a rigorous and challenging review of recent research in the realms of communication and cultural diversity. Focusing on health communication interventions concerning service users who may lack fluency in English, it shows that meeting the needs of all health service users depends on both structures and processes of communication.

Policy Press

Contract or trust?

The role of compacts in local governance

This report is the first evaluation of the structural means by which the meaning of partnership is being operationalised at local level, through the development of local compacts. Using detailed case studies of the development of compacts, the report highlights some of the major barriers to, and key lessons for, effective partnership working

Policy Press

Changing labour markets, welfare policies and citizenship

Social marginalisation due to changing labour markets in a global, knowledge-intensive economy poses a major challenge to international welfare states. Addressing the problem from a citizenship perspective, this book contributes significantly to the understanding of policy problems and the development of appropriate strategies.

Policy Press

Social assistance dynamics in Europe

National and local poverty regimes

Edited by Chiara Saraceno

Describing social assistance 'careers' in different national and urban contexts, this innovative book documents the strong interplay between personal biographies and policy patterns - a particularly useful perspective which complements the more structural, top-down approach of much international work in social policy.

Policy Press

Social market or safety net?

British social rented housing in a European context

Social rented housing in Britain is undergoing radical reform - often inspired by European experiences. This timely report provides a comparative analysis of the social rented sector in seven European countries. Combined with analysis of labour market and social security systems, it challenges the assumptions behind the British reform agenda.

Policy Press

Urban competitiveness

Policies for dynamic cities

Edited by Iain Begg

The factors that make some cities more successful has become an increasingly important policy issue. This book is the first to explore facets of competitiveness in a systematic way that combines theory, evidence and policy implications. Bringing together experts on urban economic performance, it provides a new look at urban competitiveness.

Policy Press

Remote control

Housing associations and e-governance

This report focuses on the use of technology to extend effective governance through remote access and electronic communication in housing associations. It also examines current practice in developing e-strategies, identifies good practice and considers the potential of ICT in enhancing service delivery, accountability and empowering residents.

Policy Press

Rural homelessness

Issues, experiences and policy responses

Rural homelessness explores the shifting policy context of homelessness and social exclusion in relation to rural areas in the UK and other countries in the developed world. Drawing on the first comprehensive survey of rural homelessness in the UK, the book positions these findings within a wider international context.

Policy Press

Invisible families

The strengths and needs of Black families in which young people have caring responsibilities

This report investigates the circumstances, needs, views and life experiences of black young people with caring responsibilities. It highlights significant gaps in service provision, which result in young people undertaking caring responsibilities, and makes recommendations to improve services.

Policy Press

From community care to market care?

The development of welfare services for older people

This study focuses on the contribution that studies of the post-war 'welfare state' can make to debates about welfare. Drawing on community care debates from 1971 to 1993, it illuminates contemporary concerns about issues as rationing care, the health and social care divide, residential care and growing emphasis on provider competition.

Policy Press

The nature and pattern of family-friendly employment policies in Britain

This report provides a detailed understanding of employers' motivations for offering flexible working and the outcomes of different policies and practices for both employers and employees.

Policy Press