Policy Press

Science, Technology and Society

Showing 13-24 of 89 items.

Connecting Families?

Information & Communication Technologies, Generations, and the Life Course

Taking a life course and generational perspective, this collection examines topics such as work-life balance, transnational families, digital storytelling and mobile parenting. It offers tools that allow for an informed and critical understanding of ICTs and family dynamics.

Policy Press

Controversial Encounters in the Age of Algorithms

How Digital Technologies are Stifling Public Debate and What to Do About It

This book explores how digital technologies shape our opinions and interactions, often in ways that limit our exposure to diverse perspectives and therefore can fuel polarization. Drawing on the ancient art of controversy, (arguing all sides of a case) it offers a way to revive public debate as a source of trust and legitimacy in our society.

Bristol Uni Press

Data Lives

How Data Are Made and Shape Our World

Rob Kitchin explores how data-driven technologies have become essential to society, government and the economy. Blending scholarly analysis, biography and fiction, he demonstrates how data influence our daily lives.

Bristol Uni Press

Data Power in Action

Urban Data Politics in Times of Crisis

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence

Drawing on the study of different cities in the Global South, this book explores how data have become a generative force in shaping what cities are, how they are governed and inhabited, especially during times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bristol Uni Press


The Construction of Publics in Datafied Democracies

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Drawing on empirical data from US and UK as well as the unique example of Nordic countries where there is a high level of confidence in state and media institutions, this book shows how platforms and algorithms are transforming media, journalism and audiences’ civic practices.

Bristol Uni Press

Dealing in Uncertainty

Insurance in the Age of Finance

This book conducts an in-depth investigation of one of the largest and longest-established insurance industries in Europe: British life insurance. The author draws on over 40 oral history interviews to trace how the sector is changed since the 1970s, a period characterised by rampant financialisation and neoliberalisation.

Bristol Uni Press

Death’s Social and Material Meaning beyond the Human

This book provides an alternative focus for death studies by looking beyond traditional perspectives of a nature/culture binary. Bringing together a range of international scholars, it sheds light on topics which have previously remained at the margins of contemporary death studies and death care cultures.

Bristol Uni Press

Dialogues in Data Power

Shifting Response-abilities in a Datafied World

Edited by Juliane Jarke and Jo Bates

Available open access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

Written in an engaging dialogue format, this book introduces readers to emerging themes and future directions in the interdisciplinary field of data studies. It will be a key resource for scholars and students who require a cutting-edge guide to this rapidly evolving area of research.

Bristol Uni Press

Digital Bodies

The pieces in this Byte raise important questions about what it means to bring our embodied selves into contact with digital media technologies. The selections expand our understanding of what it means to live in and through bodies augmented by digital technologies within a deeply unequal social world.

Policy Press

Digital Disengagement

COVID-19, Digital Justice and the Politics of Refusal

Leading experts in the field ask what digital justice looks like in a time of pandemic across various interdisciplinary contexts and spheres in science, technology and society from public health to education, politics and everyday life.

Bristol Uni Press

The Digital Health Self

Wellness, Tracking and Social Media

Putting the spotlight on neoliberalism as a pervasive tool that dictates wellness as a moral obligation, this book critically analyses how users navigate relationships between self-tracking technologies, social media and health management.

Bristol Uni Press

Digital Sociologies

This is the first book to connect digital media technologies in digital sociology to traditional sociological and offers a much needed overview of it. It includes problems of the digital age in relation to inequality and identity, making it suitable for use for a global audience on a variety of courses.

Policy Press